What is good for dry mouth? The method that eliminates dry mouth: When you chew sugar-free gum…

What is good for dry mouth The method that eliminates

The beneficial bacteria in the mouth fight microorganisms that try to produce disease. For the production of these beneficial bacteria, saliva has an important place and plays a defense mechanism in the mouth. It also supports the functions of the digestive system and destroys many bacteria while they are still in the esophagus.

When faced with the problem of dry mouth, this situation is immediately noticed. Dry mouth is not considered a disease by experts. It is thought that this problem occurs due to a food consumed or a drug used in the first place. However, if the dry mouth continues for a long time, the treatment process is planned. What is good for dry mouth?

What is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth occurs as a result of the lack of moisture in the mouth due to the insufficient functioning of the salivary glands. It is a common problem that causes various problems if not prevented. In medical language, it is known as xerostomia. It can occur due to aging, as well as due to the side effects of some drugs.

What Health Problems Does Dry Mouth Cause?

  • Although it is not generally dangerous, it affects life negatively as it makes swallowing difficult. Dry mouth can also be accompanied by chapped lips, bad breath, a dry tongue and sore throat.
  • It can lead to chewing and swallowing problems, difficulty in tasting and digestive system problems.
  • Since the saliva secretion decreases, the oral tissues may be permanently damaged.
  • The pH level in the mouth is affected by this. Tooth decay increases.
  • Depending on the dryness of the mouth, there may be a pulling problem on the palate. The meat on the palate shrinks over time as there is fluid loss.
  • Since dry mouth occurs as a symptom of many diseases, dry mouth and fatigue can occur at the same time.
  • In addition, since the blood pressure medications used cause dryness in the mouth, it is possible to see dry mouth and blood pressure irregularities together.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth is an indication that the salivary glands are not producing enough secretions. For the factors that may cause this problem, what does dry mouth signify The question can be answered in the following ways.

1. Decongestant use

Decongestants are drugs used to reduce inflammation in mucous membranes, shrink blood vessels, and allow for easy breathing. Depending on the effect of the drug used, the fluid in the circulatory tract moves towards the nasal cavity. Although this may provide relief for the patient for a short time, if used for a long time, it causes severe dryness of the mouth and nose and gives a feeling of discomfort.

2. Hormonal changes

Menopause is known as the trigger of persistent dry mouth. Because the change in hormonal balance causes drying in the membranes of all mucous cells.

3. Stomach Acid

Due to the reflux disease, also known as heartburn among the people, the problem of dry mouth is often seen. The stomach acid coming from the esophagus to the throat causes irritation and dryness of the mouth and throat.

4. Diabetes

Elevated blood levels due to diabetes can lead to dry mouth. The desire to urinate very often, which is one of the symptoms of hyperglycemia, affects the dryness in the body. Elevated glucose levels in the blood cause the kidneys to lose their ability to reabsorb fluid, so it is excreted in the urine. Diabetes medications can also cause dry mouth.

5. Head injuries

The salivary glands are stimulated by two facial nerves that run between the temporal bones of the skull. Head injuries, such as assaults, traffic accidents, and falling off a bicycle, can cause temporal bone fractures. Dry mouth can occur if the facial nerve is damaged by any blow to the temporal bones.

6. Caffeine consumption

Too much consumption of caffeinated beverages leads to fluid loss in the body. Caffeine has some diuretic properties. Due to this feature, it causes very frequent urination. In addition, the tannins in its content can cause dry mouth.

7. Getting angry

Dry mouth can occur when angry. This is perfectly normal. Because of the stress and anxiety experienced, mouth breathing increases. This leads to rapid evaporation of saliva.

What Causes Dry Mouth at Night?

Dryness in the mouth may occur while sleeping at night. to this situation, foods such as pickles, onions, garlic and lemon consumed at dinner has a high probability of causing Since these foods seriously affect the salivary glands, they cause dry mouth and a feeling of thirst. Avoiding such foods in the evening helps prevent dry mouth that occurs at night.

Which Diseases Cause Dry Mouth?

According to studies, some diseases affect the functioning of the salivary glands negatively. Diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, HIV, anemia and Alzheimer’s are thought to cause decreased salivation. Diarrhea and kidney disorders that cause the body to lose water can also cause dry mouth.

What are the Drugs That Cause Dry Mouth?

According to the researches, it is sold in pharmacies as prescription and over-the-counter It has been determined that the side effects of more than 400 drugs cause dry mouth. These drugs slow down the secretory function of the salivary glands. Some of the drugs that cause dry mouth;

  • Asthma, diarrhea, cold, hypertension medications and
  • It is in the form of pain relievers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants and antihistamines.
  • It is known that drugs used in cancer treatment with methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy affect the taste negatively by increasing the dryness of the mouth.

What Are the Symptoms of Dry Mouth?

Although the symptom of dry mouth is manifested as dryness in the first place, it is likely that many more symptoms will occur.

  • bad breath
  • Difficulty swallowing, chewing and speaking
  • Sticky feeling in the mouth due to the dense and thick saliva
  • Increase in dental caries
  • mouth ulcers
  • Rough and dry tongue
  • Burning sensation in the mouth and tongue pain
  • Difficulty fitting dentures
  • feeling of dryness in the throat
  • Don’t be thirsty too often
  • Dry and chapped lips
  • susceptibility to coughing infections

How Is Dry Mouth Diagnosed?

For the diagnosis of dry mouth, the following questions are first asked to the patient:

  • Do you feel dry in your mouth while talking?
  • Do you find it difficult to swallow dry foods such as biscuits and bread without using a drink?
  • Do you need to wet your mouth at night?

Following these questions, the patient’s salivary flow rate is calculated.

Calculation of Saliva Flow Rate

It is performed by an oral hygienist or dentist. The most common and easiest method for measuring salivary flow rate is with a piece of paraffin. A piece of paraffin is taken and chewed for 5 minutes. The resulting amount of saliva is measured.

The normal value of saliva exceeds 5 ml. A salivary stimulated flow rate of less than 2.5 ml in 5 minutes defines dry mouth. The basic salivary flow rate should be at least 0.5 ml in 5 minutes.

The flow rate of saliva at rest should also be measured before chewing.

How Is Dry Mouth Treated?

Does dry mouth go away? It is possible to answer the question with yes. In the treatment of dry mouth, the causes of dry mouth are determined first and a treatment program is planned accordingly.

1. Prevention of tooth decay

In addition to its task of contributing to the task of chewing and digesting food, saliva is also known as a natural mouth cleaner. When the salivary gland is secreted less, gum diseases and tooth decay are more common. If you have a dry mouth problem, you should pay attention to the following for your mouth cleaning:

  • Use dental floss every day.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing your teeth after meals and especially before going to bed gives better results.
  • When buying toothpaste, make sure it contains fluoride.
  • Go to your dentist twice a year and have your teeth cleaned. Your dentist may recommend using fluoride gel or fluoride rinses to keep your teeth healthier.

2. Treatment of underlying medical conditions

If the cause of dry mouth is due to a health problem, your doctor or dentist may make changes in the medications you use. For example, dry mouth; It may occur due to the common side effects of drugs used in the treatment of diarrhea, incontinence, allergies, hypertension, anxiety, depression, Parkinson’s and urinary diseases. Your doctor may adjust the dosage of the medicines you use for these diseases or change your medicine.

In cases where the medical condition that causes dry mouth is not treated, the focus is on increasing the flow of saliva naturally. For example, chemotherapy and radiation treatments affect the salivary glands. In other words, the resulting dry mouth is caused by the treatment itself. In diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Sjögren’s syndrome and stroke, dry mouth may occur as a result of these diseases.

3. Increasing saliva production

Those who apply to the doctor with the complaint of how to dry the palate can be advised to use artificial saliva products that prevent dry mouth. These products are in the form of mouthwashes, specially formulated moisturizing gels and toothpastes. D

What Is Good For Dry Mouth?

Thanks to some measures that can be taken to get rid of dry mouth, it is possible to pass dry mouth and prevent the formation of dry mouth. What is good for dry mouth?

  • Plenty of water should be drunk. Drinking too much water keeps the mouth moist and loosens mucus. Drinking water by keeping it in the mouth for a while increases salivary gland secretion.
  • Dry and salty foods and foods and beverages with high sugar content should not be consumed too much.
  • Alcohol and caffeine-type drinks should be avoided. Since alcohol increases urination, it causes water loss in the body.
  • Caffeine also dries out the mouth.
  • In addition, fruit juices such as apple, grapefruit, grape and orange and acidic beverages such as tomato juice should be avoided.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum increases saliva secretion and stimulates saliva flow.
