What is good for depression and psychology? What is the best for depression at home, what are the foods that are good for depression?

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Psychological diseases are diseases that most people do not associate themselves with and avoid treatment when their symptoms appear. This era we live in is a time period in which problems and confusions are increasing day by day. While traffic, work stress, economic concerns, and fatigue cause both physical and psychological problems, psychological problems also bring serious physical diseases. Depression is one of the disorders that affect mental health. In cases where it intensifies and is not treated, it seriously blocks the person from life.

What is Depression?

Depression is not just a state of being unhappy and sad, it’s much more than that. Although situations such as loss of life energy, constant unhappiness, and anxious mood occur in general, the symptoms of depression differ from person to person. The depressed person feels purposeless, guilty, and worthless. Most of the time, even doing daily chores is challenging. Depression is graded depending on how it affects the person.

1. Atypical Depression

It occurs at a young age and continues. It shows symptoms in the form of overreacting to external stimuli. Sad news hurts more, reactions to pleasing developments are excessive. All of these people’s behaviors and emotions are violent.

2. Seasonal Affective Disorder

It is generally seen in women and young population. It is more common in seasonal transitions, usually entering the winter months. In these periods, distressed mood, hopelessness, indifference to life appear as. It is less common in summer.

3. Postpartum Depression

It occurs in approximately 10% of women who have given birth. It is a situation that should not be confused with the sadness of puerperium. It usually occurs within the first four weeks and manifests itself with crying, sadness and anxiety. In this process, the mother may neglect the care of her baby. It is important to be treated. The mother’s mood directly affects the baby. Untreated postpartum depression can lead to problems up to suicide. In some mothers, if the state of depression is very deep, harming the baby may also occur. In the treatment of this type of depression, the attitude of the person’s close environment is also important.

4. Major Depression (Clinical Depression)

It is the most severe form of depression. Those with major depression experience most definitions of depression. There are symptoms such as trouble concentrating, overeating or not eating at all, not being able to sleep or sleeping all the time, getting away from daily activities, slowing down in movements. These conditions must last more than two weeks for a diagnosis to be made. If major depression is left untreated, it can lead to suicidal consequences.

What’s Good for Depression?

When the subject of depression and antidepressants comes to mind, the first thing that comes to mind is serotonin. Serotonin, a substance that communicates between nerve cells, has a great effect on psychology, memory, sexual desire and sleep patterns. In cases where serotonin, a substance secreted from the brain, is lacking, the person feels depressed and unhappy. Depressed people are given drugs that regulate the secretion of serotonin. However, some foods are known to increase the secretion of this substance.

Foods That Are Good For Depression

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While most people are surprised to hear this, consuming certain foods has positive effects on the treatment of depression. With the treatment, changes to be made in the daily diet of the person can be supplemented with medication and psychotherapy treatments.

1. Chocolate

When you think of unhappiness, the first food that comes to mind is undoubtedly chocolate. It’s a known fact that chocolate raises serotonin levels and makes you feel happier. Cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate, is a food that is directly linked to the elevation of serotonin. While the phenethylamines in its content create an antidepressant effect, increasing the endorphins in the blood increases the feeling of happiness.

Experts working on this subject favor dark chocolate when consuming chocolate. The most concentrated cocoa substance is found in dark chocolate. Even a single piece of a quality dark chocolate is enough to achieve the desired effect.

2. Nuts

Studies have shown that another food ingredient that has a positive effect on serotonin levels is Omega-3 fatty acids. In terms of omega-3 content, almonds and walnuts are by far ahead of other nuts. These nutrients also regulate blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar is also an obstacle to the secretion of serotonin.

There is no rule for consuming almonds and walnuts. They are always ready-to-eat foods. They can be consumed up to a handful a day. Both can be crushed and added to desserts and foods. However, there is only one thing to be considered while consuming these foods. Since they are high-fat foods, they can cause problems in weight loss.

3. Dark Green Leafy Foods

Dark green leafy foods, rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, strengthen the immune system. It has an important place among the foods that protect against depression. A strong immune system also has positive effects on the nervous system. These foods include vegetables such as spinach, chard, and nettle. Another benefit of these foods is that they show anticancer effects.

There are many options for consuming these foods. Spinach can be cooked as a meal or used raw in salads. Other vegetables such as chard and nettle are used by roasting or adding to pastries.

4. Fish

Seafood also has an important place among the foods that are good for psychology. Among these, salmon occupies a slightly different place than other fish due to the fact that it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Just like nuts, fish also helps to secrete serotonin when consumed regularly.

The most important point to be considered while consuming fish is that it does not lose its nutritional value during cooking. Frying, which is a traditional method in our country, unfortunately makes the fish more harmful than beneficial. For this reason, if the fish is grilled, steamed or steamed, it can come to the table without losing its nutritional value. It is recommended to consume at least two meals a week.

5. Passiflora Tea

Passiflora plant, also known as passionflower plant, is one of the plants that has a calming effect on the nervous system besides its beautiful appearance. There is also a drug with the same name. The most important feature of this plant is its sedative effect. It is used to solve hysteria, anxiety, sleep problems. It has an important place in traditional medicine.

The flowers of the Passiflora plant are preserved by drying. Before going to bed, brew a teaspoon of dried herb with a glass of hot water, drink after straining. Since the effect of this plant is strong, it is important to consult a doctor before using it.

6. Melissa Tea

The tea obtained from the lemon balm plant, a member of the mint family, is known for its pleasant smell and soft drink. Another well-known feature is that it has a sedative effect. It has an effect on sleep problems and anxiety disorders. It is known that this tea has benefits for the digestive system as well as its effects on the nervous system.

Melissa tea can be drunk up to three glasses a day. Tea is prepared without boiling. Throw a pinch of dried lemon balm in a glass of water. Let it brew for five to ten minutes. Then filter it. Those who wish can add honey. Honey is one of the foods that helps treat depression with its natural sugar.

7. Chamomile Tea

Another herb with a calming effect is chamomile. Recommended for those who have sleep problems. It has a stress-reducing effect. It makes you feel better by balancing blood sugar.

Although chamomile is a plant with dozens of varieties, very few species can be consumed. First of all, the most important point to consider when buying chamomile tea is that the product purchased must be supplied by a reliable company. Chamomile tea is consumed by brewing just like other herbal teas. Those who wish can mix it with balm. Honey is the most suitable food for sweetening.

8. Lavender

The scent of lavender has a calming effect as well as tea. Besides its beautiful appearance, it has a pleasant smell. It has calming and anxiety reducing properties. Lavender can be used in several different ways.

Tea can be made with the lavender plant. Again, to make lavender tea, the plant is brewed by adding it to boiling water. Although it is not well known, lavender can also be used to make cookies. With lavender sachets to be placed inside the house, the scent of the plant can be spread around. If these are not possible, using lavender-scented incense creates the same calming atmosphere.

9. Water

Water, which is the most important source of life for the world and the human body, is indispensable for a healthy body. 50% of an adult woman’s body and 60% of a man’s body consists of water. Water supports the operation of all systems. Digestive, nervous, immune systems, heart and vessels, brain, kidneys and other internal organs suffer serious damage in case of water deficiency. Consumption of approximately 2 liters of water during the day is the recommended amount.

Other Methods to Help Treat Depression


The things that are good for the human spirit are not limited to foods only. For those who wonder what is good for a psychological disorder, different methods are recommended along with nutrition. Small activities to be included in daily life also have positive effects on mental health. Everyone has hobbies that make them feel happy. In addition, acquiring additional hobbies during this process increases the chance of success and shortens the duration of the treatment.

1. Meditation

The basic logic of meditation, which spreads from the Far East to the West, is to empty the mind and allow it to rest for a while. A state of complete calm is essential during meditation. It provides the removal of complex emotions in the mind. It also balances blood pressure and prevents nervous attacks.

2. Doing sports

Not only physical but also psychological effects of doing sports have been proven. During sports, a special hormone is released from the brain that affects pleasure. The secretion of happiness-enhancing hormones called endorphins, melatonin and dopamine makes people who exercise feel better. Experts state that doing sports for half an hour every day has positive effects on psychology.

3. Socialize

One of the most important effects of depression is introversion. Experts working on this subject say that socialization protects the person from depression. Making new friends and getting out of the routine creates positive effects on mental health.

4. New hobbies

Everyone has their own hobbies. Adding new ones to these or focusing on the issues that are already dealt with makes one feel happier. Humans take pleasure in the act of creating as a requirement of their inner world. Introducing a new product also satisfies the urge to create. What the hobby will be depends on the person’s own characteristics. There are countless activities to choose from, such as making jewelry, knitting, carving wood, puzzles, and taking photos.
