What is good for cough in babies? How to get cough in babies naturally?

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Cough, which is common in babies, can occur during eating or breastfeeding. Some simple methods can be used for coughing caused by excess air in the lungs. If it can be ensured that nothing is caught in the baby’s throat, a solution to cough can be found with natural methods. For coughs caused by respiratory problems such as colds and bronchitis, a doctor should be consulted.

How do babies cough up?

Most parents prefer antibiotics or cough syrup to relieve cough in babies. However, it is not right to administer medication to the baby without consulting a doctor, especially antibiotics should not be used without consulting a specialist. Instead, it is possible to relieve the baby’s cough by choosing natural solutions at home. “How to stop cough in babies?” The question is asked by many people. What kind of treatment method will be applied should be decided by looking at the cause of the cough and what kind of cough it is.

If it is a dry cough, it is useful to moisten the baby’s respiratory tract. In addition, the air of the baby’s environment should be clean and fresh. The steam bath also helps open the baby’s airways. Holding the baby upright instead of lying down can also be good for coughing. “What stops coughing in babies?” The following can be done for the question:

  • Keeping the baby’s airway moist is effective in preventing dry cough, so fluid consumption is important.
  • Air humidifiers can be used in a dry environment.
  • It can be waited in the bathroom for a while after a hot shower. In this way, the baby’s airways can be opened.
  • If there is a cough with phlegm, the baby can be gently patted on his back by laying him on his stomach. This makes it easier to expel phlegm.
  • If the baby is coughing at night, it is useful to raise the pillow. This ensures that the currents are downwards and it becomes easier for the baby to breathe.

What is good for 3 month old baby cough?

In the first 3 months, even up to 6 months, the health of the baby should be checked by a specialist doctor. It is necessary not to take any herbal intervention for coughing in babies in this period. Cough in babies 3.6 months and younger can be a sign of a dangerous disease. Viral viral infections can lead to this cough. Therefore, in case of cough in 3-month-old babies, it is extremely important to immediately apply to a hospital and get medical treatment.

What are natural remedies for cough in babies?

Different types of cough can be seen in babies, such as dry cough, night cough or wheezing cough. For this, many parents resort to the natural method. These natural recipes are effective solutions also recommended by doctors. For those looking for a natural solution to baby cough, the following recipes are the most commonly used:

  • Molasses and Black Pepper: Add black pepper to 2 teaspoons of mulberry molasses and mix. It is given to the baby once a day. This recipe is suitable for babies over 1 year old. This mixture can cleanse the throats of bacteria and helps open the sinus tracts.
  • Molasses and Butter: 1 tablespoon of molasses and 2 tablespoons of butter are boiled together with water. It can be given to the baby when it is warm. Suitable for babies over 6 months. It helps to reduce the severity of cough.
  • Mixed Herbal Tea: For babies older than 1 year, cough can be solved with mixed tea. Linden, 2 cloves and cinnamon bark are boiled together with apple peel. When it is warm, honey is added to it. It helps to remove viruses from the body in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

“What is good for 1 year old baby cough?” Herbal solutions given above can be used for the question. Only the ingredients in the mixtures should be carefully looked at according to the sensitivities of the baby. For example, the allergy status of the baby or child should be taken into account, and even if there are natural solutions, nothing should be done without consulting the doctor. A doctor should be consulted for the treatment of cough in infants younger than 6 months.

What are the causes of wheezing in babies?

Wheezing in babies can occur for many reasons. At the same time, this type of cough can also be a symptom of some diseases. Causes of wheezing in babies can be:

  • Reflux: It may occur due to the food accumulating in the stomach and it may escape into the esophagus. This can result in both coughing and wheezing. It may occur as a night cough, especially in infants.
  • Croup: This infection in the vocal cords can damage the vocal cords and cause a wheezing cough.
  • Bronchitis: Bronchitis from the common cold is one of the causes of wheezing.
  • Asthma: Asthma in infants can occur chronically. Because this disease puts pressure on the rib cage, babies may struggle and cough up wheezing.

Many cures can be used as herbal treatment for wheezing in babies. The following can be used as herbal treatment for wheezing in babies:

  • Honey cure: The expectorant honey is good for sore throat and cough. It can be given to babies older than 1 year by adding some milk to 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Ginger cure: Add water to 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger and 1 stick of cinnamon and boil. The water can be filtered and given to the baby. This mixture, which is a natural cough suppressant, is suitable for babies over 1 year old. “How is cough in 10-month-old babies?” Those who are wondering can add 1 teaspoon of sugar to this mixture instead of honey and give it to the baby.
  • Lemon cure: Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C, can strengthen immunity. In addition, the juice of lemon can dry the inflammation in the throat of babies and stop wheezing.

What are the ways to prevent cough in babies?

“What is good for cough in babies?” Along with the question, what can be done to prevent the formation of cough is also wondered. Thanks to these methods, the risk of coughing in babies can be reduced to a minimum. Coughing in babies can be prevented by paying attention to the following:

  • Care should be taken to consume enough fluids.
  • They should be protected in cold weather.
  • It should be ensured that they consume fresh vegetables and fruits, especially in winter seasons.
  • The environment where babies are located should be ventilated regularly.
  • No cigarettes should be consumed near babies.
  • Before going to sleep, give something warm to soothe the baby’s throat. Since it increases the formation of milk secretion, molasses can be given to babies over 6 months old instead of milk.
