What is good for cholesterol? How to lower cholesterol at home?

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One of the most important steps to reduce bad cholesterol is to regulate the nutrition program. If your cholesterol is high, you can get support from some foods and pay attention to the issues you should stay away from. With the new regulations you will bring in your life, you can be much healthier and keep your cholesterol in balance. If you have high cholesterol or if you regularly use medication to keep your cholesterol under control, you can consult your doctor, get information about the methods you should apply at home, and follow the nutritional recommendations.

What does high cholesterol do in the body?

The bad cholesterol stored in the blood settles on the vessel walls. As a result, vascular occlusion occurs. In addition, cholesterol values ​​that are above normal combine with some substances in the gallbladder and may cause the formation of gallstones. High cholesterol manifests itself with some symptoms. “What are the symptoms of cholesterol?” The most common high cholesterol symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Yellow oil glands observed on the face and around the eyes
  • Weakness, fatigue and dizziness
  • Numbness in legs and feet
  • Chest pain and shortness of breath
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • pale appearance of the skin
  • Fat accumulation under the skin and spots on the skin
  • The occurrence of conditions such as bruising in some parts of the body may indicate high cholesterol.

How does cholesterol drop?

The first thing that lowers cholesterol is to eat healthy. Eating a healthy diet alone may not be enough to lower cholesterol. In addition to eating healthy, there are some life changes that must be followed. The most effective cholesterol-lowering is a healthy diet and regular exercise. “What’s good for cholesterol?” We can list the points you need to pay attention to the question as follows.

  • Eating healthy foods. It may be necessary to avoid foods of animal origin.
  • It is also very important that you stay away from refined sugar.
  • It is recommended that you eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • You need to lead an active life.
  • You should do at least half an hour of walking daily, not a heavy sport.
  • Regular exercise is one of the methods that increase HDL, that is, healthy cholesterol.
  • It is necessary to establish a regular sleep routine.
  • Leading a stress-free life is also important in regulating cholesterol levels.
  • Care should be taken to consume healthy fats away from saturated fats.
  • It is necessary to avoid very fatty foods.

If you cannot reduce your current cholesterol value with diet and exercise, it is necessary to consult a specialist at this point and start drug treatment if necessary.

What lowers cholesterol the fastest?

Thanks to foods that lower cholesterol, you can quickly achieve healthier results. Healthy nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds are very useful to consume raw. You can be healthier by consuming healthy grains and legumes. The most important ways to reduce cholesterol in the fastest way are to stay away from processed fats, that is, animal fats such as margarine and butter, to eat a vegetable-based diet and to exercise regularly.

  • You can quickly lower your cholesterol by eating fruits and vegetables and consuming fresh salad at meals.
  • You can consume chocolate without added sugar, but you need to adjust the amounts well and avoid excessive consumption.
  • Since avocado is one of the healthy fats, it also helps to reduce cholesterol quickly.
  • Since garlic contains antioxidants, it is one of the foods that are effective in lowering cholesterol.
  • Olive oil consumption is also good for cholesterol. It is recommended to consume sufficient amounts of olive oil in salads and meals.

How to lower cholesterol at home?

Cholesterol is not measured at home. To find out the cholesterol values, it is necessary to have a blood test. If you have high cholesterol levels in cantahils, it is important to follow the treatment and recommendations recommended by the doctor. At home, you can turn to foods such as fish, walnuts, purslane, which contain components that help lower bad cholesterol, such as omega-3. In addition, foods such as oats, almonds and avocados also help lower cholesterol at home. You can especially consume probiotic foods that have a similar effect with cholesterol-lowering drugs such as kefir, yogurt, and ayran. It should be noted that nuts are high in calories. You can find out what amount you should consume by getting help from your doctor.

How to lower LDL cholesterol?

You can consume plenty of fish to lower LDL cholesterol. You can lower LDL cholesterol by increasing the consumption of grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. Instead of full-fat dairy products, you should turn to low-fat products. You should also avoid foods such as margarine, pastries, fried foods and fast food. “What is good for high cholesterol?” You can apply some suggestions for the question. Nutrition plays an important role in lowering high cholesterol. You can keep your cholesterol values ​​in balance by paying attention to certain points in nutrition and adopting an active lifestyle.

  • You should consume low-fat meats.
  • Offal consumption should be reduced as much as possible.
  • You should stay away from processed foods such as salami and sausage.
  • You should prefer more white meat. As a method of cooking meat, you should prefer grilling, boiling and steaming methods.
  • You should definitely include fish in your meals.
  • You should increase your consumption of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • You should stay away from pastries, fried foods and fast food type foods.
  • You should definitely consume nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts in appropriate amounts.

What should I do to lower cholesterol?

Individuals with high cholesterol should mainly prefer white meat in their meals. Boiling, steaming and grilling should be preferred in terms of cooking method. You need to stay away from red meat more. There is no harm in consuming a lot of fish. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the consumption of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead of full-fat milk and dairy products, you should choose foods that contain much less fat. In addition to diet, you should learn about cholesterol-lowering movements and do light exercise or walk regularly.

How to lower genetic cholesterol?

Genetic cholesterol is a genetic form of high cholesterol called familial hypercholesterolemia that is passed from parent to child. People born with this genetic risk may store much more cholesterol from birth than the body needs. This may pose a serious risk to the arteries in the future. Regular and healthy diet and regular exercise should be done to lower genetic cholesterol. However, all these should be arranged under the supervision of a doctor after consulting a specialist.
