What is good for chickenpox? Home treatment can be supported with foods that are good for chickenpox!

What is good for chickenpox Home treatment can be supported

Although known as a childhood disease, chickenpox can occur at any age. The incidence rate is much higher in childhood and is mostly seen in children under the age of 10. Cases that occur in older ages cause much more severe, unwanted side effects. Once the varicella zoster virus enters the body, it does not leave the body after causing chickenpox. It hides somewhere on the nerve line anywhere in the body and sleeps there. In advanced ages, it wakes up by taking advantage of a weakness in the body’s immune system, and this time it causes shingles.

Chickenpox is not directly related to air temperature or environmental conditions, but it is much more contagious, especially in the last months of the winter and spring months, when immunity is weak, and it is seen in epidemics. The disease is transmitted very quickly from person to person, through contact or inhalation. When the virus enters the body, the symptoms of the disease appear, namely the incubation period, which takes 10 to 21 days. However, the contagiousness of the disease begins 2 days before the symptoms appear.

It is much more difficult in children with a weak immune system and can cause many other undesirable conditions. The most common side effect is that the rash becomes infected and leaves scars. Although it is very rare, it can cause meningitis, pneumonia, varicella syndrome, eye damage, spinal cord damage, developmental disorders in arms and legs, disorders in anus and bladder contractions, and premature birth in expectant mothers.

What Are the Symptoms of Chickenpox?

Itchy, liquid-filled red blisters that start to form on the body and face spread to the whole body in a short time. The rashes are accompanied by fever, weakness, muscle aches. The symptoms, which are severe in the first 3 days, begin to decrease from the 4th day. The color of the transparent liquid inside the blisters becomes cloudy, the itching is relieved. Approximately on the 5th day, the blisters burst, begin to dry and crust. The sick person continues to transmit the disease until the rash completely disappears. If we list the most common symptoms during the course of the disease;

  • Headache: Complaints usually begin with a headache. Young children cannot explain the pain, they try to express their discomfort by crying for no reason.
  • Rashes: 2 to 4 days after the headache, tiny red spots begin to appear first on the trunk and then on the face. In the following days, as the first bubbles disappear, new ones begin to form. There may be a rash on the scalp, eyelids, inside the mouth and nose, and even in the genital area. From the 5th day of the disease, no new blisters are formed anymore. Spills, which are kept clean and prevented from becoming infected, pass without a trace.
  • High fever: High fever may not be present in every case.

An experienced pediatrician can easily diagnose chickenpox by looking at the rash. Where this is not possible, samples from the blisters should be examined in the laboratory or blood tests should be performed. After the diagnosis of chickenpox in healthy children, no further examination is required.

Foods That Are Good for Chickenpox

Thanks to the foods that are good for chickenpox, the disease can be overcome more easily. Foods that increase the person’s body resistance are important in the treatment of chickenpox. What is good for chickenpox? Here are the things that should be consumed for treatment:

1. Honey

Honey, which has been used in the treatment of many diseases for centuries, is a miracle consisting entirely of plant extracts. Apart from the vitamins and minerals in its composition, it also activates the protective and healing functions of the body, thanks to various enzymes. It is an easy to digest and very nutritious food.

Food and drink of children with chickenpox can be sweetened with honey. You can mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 glass of warm milk and give it to your child. It provides a comfortable sleep and strengthens immunity.

2. Chicken Broth Soup

A panacea, chicken broth soup is also very good for children with chickenpox. Chicken, which is a valuable nutrient in terms of protein and vitamins, strengthens the immune system. It is especially recommended for pediatric diseases as it is easier to digest than red meat.

You can increase its nutritional value by adding vegetables suitable for the age of the child to the chicken broth, which is obtained by boiling the whole or boned parts of the chicken. For children who have difficulty in eating grains, all vegetables can be boiled in chicken broth and removed from the blender.

3. Vitamin C

When it comes to the immune system, the first vitamin that comes to mind is always vitamin C. Vitamin C, which is necessary for the body to perform its basic functions, is also effective in cell regeneration. It is a valuable antioxidant. It has a protective effect in the formation of anemia, cataracts and cancer. Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, gives foods a sour taste.

The most natural and effective way to get vitamin C is to consume fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fruits that are too sour can hurt the child, as there may also be rashes in the mouth. In this case, it can be ensured that he drinks freshly squeezed fruit juices with a straw.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt, which is a very rich dairy product in terms of calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins, is one of the main nutrients for children with high quality protein and carbohydrates in its composition. Yogurt also provides relief as an anti-temperature in diseases with fever. It makes it easier for children to fall asleep.

Yogurt is a food that all children love to eat. But for kids who don’t want to eat anything during illness, it may be necessary to make even yogurt more appealing. The most effective way to do this is with homemade fruit yoghurts. Fruit yoghurt sweetened with 1 spoon of honey makes the child happy.

5. Fish

Fish, which has numerous health benefits with its A, D, E, B2, B12, B3, calcium, selenium, folic acid and phosphorus content, is a very valuable protein source. With its positive effects on brain functions, it is an irreplaceable food for children in the developmental age.

It improves brain functions. Getting into the habit of eating fish at least 2 times a week regularly is a very healthy choice for people of all ages.

What Foods Are Harmful to Chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a viral disease. It is not possible to establish a direct relationship with any food or beverage item. However, it should be taken into account that some children are sensitive to certain nutrients. “What should a child with chickenpox eat?” We can only answer the question that he should not eat anything he does not want. Of course, this does not mean that he should eat whatever he wants. Since the main problem during the illness is itching, do not give your child foods that you think will increase itching and that you know will cause an allergic reaction. You should keep the child’s immunity strong in order to pass the disease as soon as possible and with the least damage.

It’s natural to want to do whatever you want to cheer up your sick child. In the meantime, you may have difficulty resisting your child who wants to eat something sweet all the time. “Is sweets good for chickenpox?” is the most frequently asked question by mothers at this stage. In reality, there is no food that can cause chickenpox just because it is sweet, and excessive sugary foods consumed during this period can harm the child, especially dental health. Choose to meet the child’s sweet cravings with natural products such as honey, molasses and fruit.

What should be done to a child who has chickenpox?

After a child has been diagnosed with chickenpox by a doctor, the first thing to do would be to cut off contact with other people until the rash disappears completely. This precaution will not only prevent the disease from becoming an epidemic, but also prevent the rash from becoming infected and itching even more, turning into wounds that will leave scars in the future, and prolonging the healing process. This period is very tiring for the child, who is tired because of muscle pain, and tries to cope with itching. It is beneficial to keep the child entertained with age-appropriate activities and to channel his attention in other directions. It is necessary to pay attention to his nutrition and ensure that he takes plenty of fluids. During this period, keeping the child’s nails short and clean is also among the measures that can be taken. Children with chickenpox should rest at home and should not be sent to school until 5 days after all the swellings on their bodies are gone.

Is a Bath Good for Water Flowers?

Although there is no complete consensus on this issue, bathing is not recommended for the first 3 days when the rash is most severe. The bursting of liquid-filled blisters during washing and drying can cause wounds to become infected. From the 3rd day onwards, a shower with only warm water without soaping or rubbing the lesions is very comfortable for the child.

Carbonated Water Bath

Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a bucket of warm water and mix. Baking soda, which is an effective disinfectant, both prevents the rashes from being infected and provides relief by helping to reduce fever. The rashes on the child’s face, especially around the eyes, can also be taken care of with this water.


Chickenpox Treatment

The aim of the treatment is to reduce the complaints. First of all, it is necessary to relieve itching and prevent the child from infecting the lesions by scratching. For this, physicians prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs used by mouth or by application according to the age of the child. Again, painkiller-fever-reducing pills or syrups given in doses suitable for the age of the child are used. Aspirin, which has a habit of using it for all kinds of pain complaints in the society, should not be used in the treatment of chickenpox, as it should not be used in any period of childhood.

Especially when it comes to children and pediatric diseases, even the most innocent, harmless and sometimes even the most beneficial drugs, mixtures, applications, food and beverages should be used with the approval of a doctor.

Chickenpox, which is a disease that can be passed without causing any side effects for healthy and vaccinated children most of the time only with rest and plenty of fluid intake, requires more intensive and careful treatment for some children.

  • babies under 1 year old,
  • children over 10 years old,
  • Children using aspirin
  • Adults,
  • Those with weak immune system
  • steroid users,
  • Those with skin problems
  • Those undergoing cancer treatment
  • For those with lung disease, it is very important that treatment be started within the first 24 hours.

A preventive treatment should be planned for those who live in the same house with a child who has chickenpox, and especially for those in the risk groups listed above.

What Is Good For Chickenpox Itch?

The most reliable and effective prescription is the one written by your child’s doctor. Your doctor will also tell you about traditional methods, supported by scientific data, in which he relieves itching in line with his experience and observations, along with drugs in the form of pills, syrups or creams.

Chickenpox Vaccine

Chickenpox, which has caused epidemics and mass child deaths throughout history, gradually lost its effect with the introduction of the vaccine developed by a Japanese scientist in 1975. The chickenpox vaccine provides 98% protection. Vaccinated children experience the disease with very mild complaints, and may not even be caught at all.

The varicella vaccine is prepared by weakening the strength of the varicella zoster virus. Because the vaccine is live, within the next month, a rash similar to chickenpox but much milder and a slight increase in body temperature may occur. Therefore, the children to be vaccinated must have reached a certain maturity. For this, it is appropriate that the child is at least 1 year old. For children aged 1 year to 13 years, a one-time vaccination is sufficient. Children over the age of 13 should be vaccinated 2 times with an interval of 1 month.

Babies younger than 1 year old have natural immunity and do not get chickenpox until 1 year old if their mother has had the chickenpox vaccine or had the disease. Babies whose mothers are not vaccinated or have not had the disease have a very difficult time with chickenpox if they are caught.

The chickenpox vaccine is also protective within 72 hours of contact with a child known to have chickenpox. In fact, there are studies showing that this period can be up to 120 hours.
