What is good for carious toothache, how to reduce it? Can rotten toothache be treated at home, what cuts toothache fastest?

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Toothache can occur around or inside the tooth. The pain can manifest itself as a dull and slight tingling, or it can be felt sharply and severely. The pain of the decayed tooth is more severe. Severe pain in the teeth, jaw and ear can occur due to carious toothache. Severe toothache, throbbing in all teeth, tooth root pain, tingling in the anterior teeth, and hollow toothache may occur.

The most common reason for the formation of decayed teeth is insufficient care of the tooth. Teeth should be brushed upon waking up in the morning, before going to bed at night and after meals. A thin layer of nutrients forms on the teeth that are not brushed. Unless careful care is taken here, every substance that reaches the tooth has the property of sticking. As the material thickens, the layer becomes thicker. Waste materials can be thrown out with the accumulation of substances as a result of bacteria formation. Thus, destructions are seen on the outermost tooth enamel layer. While it was repairable in its initial formation processes, it may become irreparable as time passes. In this case, early detection and intervention should be attempted.

What is good for a rotten toothache?

A carious toothache can occur for many reasons. In this case, what is good depends on the cause of the disease experienced. Therefore, the cause of the decayed tooth should be investigated first. It is possible to find natural and herbal methods that can be good for carious toothache. For bruises of unknown cause, which are quite painful and cause severe pain, methods and procedures that can be good must be found by passing expert control. Thus, a solution can be found quickly and the bruise and pain can be intervened. Untreated dental caries causes many problems. In this case, troublesome processes can be experienced up to the loss of the tooth. In this case, “What is good for toothache?” questions are in mind. Natural and herbal solutions that can be good for carious toothache:

  • Before intervention in toothache, specialist physicians should be consulted first. Relief methods can be applied if the cause of the bruise and how it will pass are determined.
  • The daily care of the teeth should not be interrupted. If it is neglected, carious toothache may occur. Teeth that are taken care of daily become healthier and more resistant.
  • The shape and structure of the toothbrush is also very important. Hard and painful toothbrushes should not be used due to the presence of carious toothache. Instead, toothbrushes suitable for soft and sensitive gums can be preferred.
  • Training and running can help reduce cavities. During exercise, the body produces a lot of endorphins. Endorphins are found in the body as pain relievers. Therefore, even if it is not intense, taking a brisk walk can help reduce the pain.
  • Sugary foods, extremely hot and cold drinks increase toothache. This pain exacerbates the decayed toothache and makes you feel pain. In this case, care should be taken not to use such foods.
  • A carious toothache can be exacerbated when chewing foods are consumed. In this case, pain intensity can be minimized if foods that do not cause pain and do not require much chewing are consumed. For example, consumption of foods such as yoghurt, mashed potatoes and soup can keep the pain at a threshold value.

What is good for toothache at home?

Toothache can be quite severe and aching. In this case, until you go to specialist help, you may feel so much pain that you can’t stay at home. Therefore, home remedies can be applied to carious toothache with various methods. In this case, it is very important to relieve the pain without wearing the tooth too much. It should also be known that there will be no radical solution to toothache and caries at home. This process should be treated in consultation with a specialist physician. Natural and herbal methods that can be done at home that can relieve pain and aches:

  • You can gargle with salt and warm water.
  • Cloves also help relieve toothache. Keeping the clove in the mouth for a while can relieve the pain and ache.
  • Since turmeric is known as an antiseptic spice, it can have a positive effect on toothache. The pain can be relieved by mixing turmeric and its juice and pressing the aching tooth.
  • Black cumin is also among the herbal solutions that can relieve toothache. Pain can be relieved by chewing.

What is good for toothache during pregnancy?

Toothache can happen to almost anyone. Pregnancy is one of them. During pregnancy, most of the calcium in the mother passes to the baby. In case of calcium deficiency, the body makes its way to the mother’s bones to compensate and uses the tooth first. Thus, tooth decay and pain occur. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful with toothache. Although the process must be managed in the presence of an expert, one should be very careful in the products and treatment methods used. Because the substance or method used may be harmful to the baby. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that herbal and natural solutions are thoroughly researched and that they do not present any risks. During pregnancy, it is best to use natural methods such as parsley, vinegar water, cloves. In case of unbearable pain and aches, a specialist should be consulted.

What cures toothache fastest?

Since toothache can cause severe pain and aches, definitive and radical solutions are often sought. It is more important to treat toothache and caries by learning the cause with the help of a specialist, than to solve it radically and quickly. Therefore, the first thing to do in such severe aches and pains is to apply to specialist physicians. Thus, intervention is made without damaging the teeth and gums without knowing the cause. Otherwise, toothache can be relieved with the methods mentioned. The fastest relief of pain depends on the type of tooth, the substance causing the pain and decay, and the herbal and natural solution used. For this reason, the methods and varieties that can relieve toothache the fastest are not found clearly.
