What is good for calcification? What are natural solutions and herbal treatments for calcification?

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Calcification, which is an age-related problem, causes limitation of body movements due to the accumulation of lime between bones. There are many factors that cause this problem to occur. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of calcification well and to choose the treatment method for it. Some treatment methods can be applied to the problem of calcification, which is seen in a large part of the society, and problems such as pain and discomfort due to calcification can be solved.

What causes calcification in the body?

Calcification in the body can have many causes. Although these vary from person to person, they can be improved with different treatment methods. The following factors can be counted as an answer to the question of what causes calcification in the body:

  • advancing age
  • genetic factors
  • Being above ideal weight
  • Traumatic events such as falling, accident, impact
  • Using joints too often
  • Causes from birth
  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet
  • Working at a desk for a long time
  • little movement during the day
  • Experiencing stress and anxiety
  • Decrease of ideal fluid in the joints and formation of inflammatory fluids
  • prolonged standing
  • Long hours knitting, crafting, working on the computer

It is possible to prevent calcification according to the factors mentioned above. However, it is very important to determine the source of this calcification well. Because a treatment method can be applied accordingly. After finding the cause of calcification, the question of what is good for calcification pain can be easily answered.

What is good for calcification?

Since calcification is a common ailment among the people, many people wonder what is good for this disease. Different treatment methods can be recommended for calcification seen in various parts of the body. When the right area is intervened correctly, it is possible to minimize the discomfort caused by calcification. Depending on the cause of calcification, some methods can be applied. Losing weight, applying cold or hot compresses, using some creams or applying essential oils can be good for calcification.

What is good for joint calcification?

One of the most used things to relieve joint calcification and swelling is green tea. Green tea has the ability to relieve pain caused by calcification. Ginger is also good for calcification swellings. Applying both hot and cold compresses can also relieve joint pain caused by arthritis. Although massaging movements towards the area of ​​calcification are quite effective, care should be taken while massaging. Methods that can be good for joint calcification:

  • Medication, cream or lotion treatments purchased with a doctor’s prescription
  • Physiotheraphy
  • Lose weight
  • Joint protection accessories purchased with the recommendation of a physician
  • Local injection applications made into the joint under the control of a physician
  • joint replacement surgery

What is good for knee arthritis?

Since one of the biggest causes of knee arthritis is weight, the most effective way to relieve pain in this area is to lose weight. “What is good for calcification in the leg?” For the question, applications that are good for knee calcification can be done. Other things that can be done for arthritis in the knee and leg include:

  • A person can improve knee arthritis by walking and exercising every day. The most important criterion here is to walk enough to not cause pain during and after walking.
  • If the swelling in the knee is not obvious, calcification can be removed with hot springs and hot applications. However, if the swelling is evident in the knee, or if the patient has cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, etc. If there are problems, this application may not be suitable. It is necessary to consult a doctor about this.
  • Lubricating the joints with injection into the knee joint and making them slippery provide more comfortable movement. It is one of the most effective methods to prevent calcification in the knee.
  • In case of swelling in the knee, intra-articular cortisone can be applied 2-3 times to improve calcification. In advanced calcification cases, this treatment can relieve their pain.
  • An osteotomy operation that realigns the knees.

What is good for arm calcification?

Calcification in the arm is a condition experienced by people who move their arm too much during the day. There is no definite treatment for arm calcification like calcifications experienced in other regions. However, with some applications, the pain and pressure on the calcification points can be reduced and the progression of calcification can be prevented. Applications for arm calcification:

  • Regular arm exercises for arm calcification help strengthen bones and stretch muscles.
  • If arm calcification causes pain, hot or cold compresses can be applied. While the hot compress accelerates the blood circulation, the cold compress reduces the swelling by numbing the nerves.
  • Help can be obtained from physical therapy applications for arm calcification.

What is good for foot calcification?

Especially in people who stand all day and in the elderly, the problem of foot calcification can be seen. The risk of this increases with weight. The following can be done to improve foot calcification:

  • Both hot and cold compresses can be applied to the foot and the pain in the area can be relieved.
  • With physical therapy, massage can be applied to the area of ​​calcification.
  • Especially all standing people should prefer shoes that do not tighten their feet too much and that they can be comfortable.
  • Moving the ankle several times a day can be good for pain due to calcification in this area.

What is good for arthritis pain?

One of the best methods for calcification pain is cold massage. Cold massage can reduce the feeling of pain in the area. If calcification pains are felt more intensely while on the move, the person should rest. If arthritis pain is felt while living an active life, various joint accessories can be purchased. Weight-bearing movements should be avoided as they will trigger pain. Since calcification is an irreversible disease, physical therapy applications can be applied to reduce pain. Thus, the person can both get rid of arthritis pain and move more comfortably.

What is good for rheumatism and calcification?

Patients with rheumatism and calcification problems may have difficulties during the day due to the symptoms they experience. In this case, the best intervention they will do is massage and compress applications as an instant solution. Applying cold or hot compresses to the rheumatic or calcified area can reduce swelling and pain. However, since both are permanent diseases, there is no definitive solution. Consulting a specialist doctor and taking physical therapy or using the medications and creams recommended by the doctor can also reduce the symptoms of these diseases.

What are the natural solutions for calcification?

There are many herbal sources that are good for calcification. Thanks to these, calcification can be treated without medication. What is good for calcification, herbal and natural treatment methods are also possible. However, no herbal and natural treatment should be applied without doctor’s control and guidance. Natural solutions for calcification:

  • Aloe vera: This plant, which helps to relieve the pain of calcification, can be applied to the painful area in the form of gel.
  • Ginger: Ginger, which is good for joint pain, also has effects such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer. Consuming a glass of unsweetened ginger tea a day can relieve pain caused by calcification.
  • Sycamore leaves: Sycamore leaf, which has the feature of increasing the intra-articular cartilage fluid, can relieve the pain of calcification. It is enough to cut 2 plane leaves into small pieces and boil them with a glass of water. Drinking boiling water before going to bed at night is good for arthritis pain.
  • Eucalyptus: The tannin substance found in eucalyptus leaves has analgesic and edema-reducing properties. It can reduce swelling due to calcification.
  • cat claw: Cat’s claw, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, can prevent joint inflammation by strengthening immunity. In this way, it is also good for calcification pains.

There is a lot of research on natural methods that are good for calcification. These natural cures can be very effective, especially for people who do not want to take medication and whose disease is not too advanced. The following mixtures can be recommended for those who are wondering what is good for knee arthritis:

  • The mixture can be prepared with 40 lemons, 20 cloves of garlic, the shell of 10 eggs, a handful of caper plants and a spoonful of ginger powder. First the lemons are juiced, then added to the glass jar with the crushed garlic. Capers are taken in a blender and added to the mixture with powdered ginger. Egg shells are also removed from the blender and put into the mixture. After being kept in the refrigerator for 1 week, 1 glass is drunk every morning for breakfast. It can be recommended as a herbal solution for hip calcification.
  • Mud oil is recommended as a herbal treatment for calcification in the fingers. Clay, sea salt, semolina, rosemary oil and violet oil are added to the mineral water. All mixed together and warmed to room temperature. It is applied to the painful area and wrapped with cling film, then the area is washed.

Is hot good for calcification?

One of the best solutions to calcification is known as hot application. Pain may be felt more severely as the muscles in the area of ​​calcification are stretched. Hot application, on the other hand, accelerates the blood circulation in the area and provides faster healing. The rapid blood circulation also helps to relax the muscles. In this way, the severity of pain caused by calcification can be reduced and that area can be moved more easily. However, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to find out whether the heat is good for the pain in the calcification area.

How does calcification pass after plaster?

As a result of any fracture in the body, that area is placed in plaster and it is ensured that it cannot be moved. In this way, an easier and faster recovery process can be experienced. However, prolonged immobilization of the bones and muscles in that area can increase the risk of osteoarthritis. After the plaster, the creams given by the doctor should be used regularly to pass the calcification. These creams can relax the muscles in the area, reduce pain and enable more comfortable movement. In addition to the creams, the recommended physical therapy after the plaster should be visited and it should be done without interruption.

Is Vicks good for calcification?

It is wondered whether there is Vicks among the creams to be used for calcification. Since it is a cream that is good for pain, it is one of the creams that can be used for pain caused by calcification and can also be used for these pains. However, under all circumstances, Vicks may not relieve the pain of osteoarthritis. This cream is effective especially in cases where the cause of calcification is excessive weight.
