What is good for back pain, what are the home remedies? Exercises for severe back pain

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Early diagnosis of inflammatory low back pain is important. People who are under the age of 40 and have low back pain that lasts longer than 3 months should go to a rheumatology specialist. What is good for low back pain? What are the causes of back pain?


Maybe you bent your back incorrectly while lifting something heavy, or you’re dealing with a degenerative condition like arthritis. Whatever the reason, when you have back pain, you can’t stop from the pain. If you are injured or feel numbness, weakness or tingling in your legs, you should of course consult a doctor. But for routine and mild low back pain, you can find a few simple tips to try at home in this article.

Keep moving. Keep doing your daily activities. Make a bed, go to work, walk your dog. When you feel better, regular aerobic exercise like swimming, cycling and walking can keep you and your back more mobile. Just don’t overdo it. There’s no need to run a marathon when your back hurts.

Once your back pain has improved, you can help prevent future episodes of back pain by working the muscles that support your back, including the back extensor muscles. Having strong hip, pelvic and abdominal muscles gives you more back support. Avoid doing abdominal exercises because they can put more strain on your back.

yawn. Don’t sit all day. Get up every 20 minutes and stretch and stretch the other way around. Most of us lean forward for work, but it’s important to stand up and reach back throughout the day. Don’t forget to stretch your legs too. Some people find relief from back and lower back pain by doing a regular stretching routine like yoga.

Design your workspace so you don’t have to stand out to see your computer monitor or reach the exit path for your mouse. Use a desk chair that supports your back and allows you to plant your feet firmly on the floor.

Pay attention to your posture. Low back pain makes it difficult for your back to support your weight. Pay special attention to your posture when lifting heavy objects. Never bend at the waist. Instead, bend at the knees.

Diet and exercise to keep your weight in a healthy range for your height. Being overweight puts a lot of strain on your spine.

Try an over-the-counter pain reliever.


Low back pain treatment can be supported with home remedies. Thus, patients can get through the process a little easier. What can be done at home to treat low back pain:

  • Stop your normal physical activities for a few days and apply ice to your lower back. Doctors usually recommend using ice for the first 48 to 72 hours, then switching to heat.
  • You can use pain relievers to relieve pain.
  • Sometimes sleeping on your back causes more discomfort. If so, try sleeping on your side with your knees bent and a pillow between your legs.
  • If you can lie on your back comfortably, place a pillow or rolled towel under your thighs to relieve pressure on the lower back.
  • A warm bath or massage can often loosen stiff and knotty muscles in the back.

If the pain does not improve after 72 hours of home treatment, you should call your doctor.


  • The muscles and ligaments in the back can be stretched or torn due to excessive activity. Symptoms include muscle spasms as well as pain and stiffness in the lower back. Rest and physical therapy are remedies for these symptoms.

  • Discs in the back are prone to injury. This risk increases with age. The outside of the disc may rupture or herniate. Also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, a herniated disc occurs when the cartilage surrounding the disc pushes against the spinal cord or nerve roots. The pillow sitting between the spinal vertebrae extends out of its normal position.

  • Also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, a herniated disc occurs when the cartilage surrounding the disc pushes against the spinal cord or nerve roots. The pillow sitting between the spinal vertebrae extends out of its normal position.

  • Sciatica can occur with a herniated disc if the disc presses on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve connects the spine to the legs. As a result, sciatica can cause pain in the legs and feet. This pain often produces a burning or pricking sensation.

  • Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spine that puts pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae. The result is compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord by soft tissues such as bony spurs or discs.

Pressure on the spinal nerves causes symptoms such as: numbness, spasm, weakness. You can feel these symptoms anywhere in the body. Many people with spinal stenosis find that their symptoms worsen when standing or walking.

Another cause of low back pain is abnormal spinal curvatures. Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis are conditions that cause abnormal curvatures in the spine. These are congenital conditions that are usually first diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. There are a number of other conditions that cause low back pain. These conditions include: Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Fibromyalgia is long-term pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, and tendons.

Spondylitis is inflammation of the joints between the spinal bones. Spondylosis is a degenerative disorder that can cause loss of normal spinal structure and function.


During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin, which allows the ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birth process. The same hormone can cause loosening of the ligaments that support the spine, causing instability and pain.

Back pain in pregnancy typically happens where the pelvis meets your spine, at the sacroiliac joint. There are many possible reasons for this to happen.

Here are some of the possible reasons:

  • Gaining weight,
  • posture changes,
  • hormone change,
  • muscle separation
  • Stress

Unless you had chronic back pain before you became pregnant, your pain will gradually improve before giving birth. Exercise, applying heat and cold to your back, correcting your posture, if you are experiencing pain due to stress, get support from a specialist and you can apply for acupuncture treatment. However, when done correctly, chiropractic manipulation of the spine can be safe during pregnancy, but consult your doctor before seeking chiropractic treatment.

DO NOT CONfuse lumbar pain with mechanical lumbar pain.

Today, inflammatory low back pain is often confused with mechanical low back pain. There are important differences that distinguish inflammatory low back pain from mechanical low back pain. Inflammatory low back pain is predominantly seen in people under the age of 40, the pain lasts longer than three months and does not go away with rest. Inflammatory low back pain symptoms include the fact that low back pain wakes patients up especially in the second half of the night and patients experience stiffness for more than 30 minutes in the morning. Since the effects of inflammatory low back pain may worsen over time, experts draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis.1-2 Inflammatory low back pain, which negatively affects the lives of patients emotionally, physically and socially, can be long-term or permanent.

Inflammatory low back pain, unlike mechanical low back pain, increases with rest and decreases with exercise and physical activity.

Mechanical low back pain is often described as “throbbing” or “stinging”. Mechanical low back pain worsens with movement, improves with rest, and is usually caused by strain or injury.

Experts emphasize that it is important to distinguish between mechanical and inflammatory low back pain and make the correct diagnosis as soon as possible and that patients should consult a rheumatology specialist.


Most of the lower back pain is of muscle origin. For this reason, low back pain can be reduced by taking some precautions and making use of some exercise applications.

The first of the exercises that will be good for low back pain is the book carrying exercise. This exercise is done with the help of a chair with a book placed on the head. The person sitting on the chair with the shoulders upright tries to hold the book on his head for 5 minutes without interruption. Doing this exercise several times a day will help the spine regain its former form.

One of the simple practices used by those who want to exercise at home for low back pain is to lie on their back and raise their legs up. For the low back pain exercise that can be applied at home, the two legs are kept together and extended upwards. Lift the legs up from the hips, one leg then the other. The movement must be repeated 10 times. Then the legs are joined and the same movement is repeated. The movement should be done one set in the morning and evening.

One of the exercises that can be done at home, which is good for severe low back pain, is performed by pressing the hands under the waist. The person lying on his back should place his hands between the waist and the floor. Then he should apply the right pressure on his hands with his waist. It is important to feel the contraction of the waist in this movement. This contraction should be continued by counting to 10. Then the contraction movement is completed and the muscles are relaxed. It is aimed to prevent pain by strengthening the waist with the low back pain movement, which should be applied regularly in the morning and evening.

One of the exercises that is good for low back pain is the sit-up movement. It doesn’t matter if the shuttle is full or half. The goal is to stretch the waist. It will be enough to do the sit-up movement, which should be done by placing the hand under the head, 10 times a day.

Lying face down and placing a pillow under the abdomen also helps to relax the lower back. At this time, the neck and back are moved upwards from the waist together with the head. This movement, which should be repeated 10 times in the morning and evening, helps to strengthen the leg as well as support the waist. What needs to be done for this is to lift the legs up one by one while the pillow is under the abdomen. It will be enough to repeat this movement 10 times a day.

Stretching yourself from the waist to the back and neck while standing on the knees and elbows, and then doing the opposite will help the back muscles to stretch. In this way, the pain is reduced. It is enough to repeat the movement 10 times a day.
