What is good for back pain? Herbal remedies for back pain

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It is known that one out of every 5 people in the society has a back pain problem throughout their life. Back pain, which is generally caused by muscle-related problems, may be experienced more frequently during periods such as pregnancy. However, back pain can also indicate different diseases. Therefore, a person experiencing back pain should definitely consult an orthopedic specialist if this situation does not go away. Then, in addition to the treatment recommended by the specialist, certain natural solutions can also be applied.

Back pain, which may indicate serious diseases in some cases, usually occurs due to fatigue or muscle injuries. In this context, it should be reminded that it is extremely important for a person experiencing back pain to consult an orthopedic specialist first. Because it is known that back pain, which can be experienced due to a sudden movement, can also be a symptom of different diseases. Therefore, in order to relieve back pain, the cause of this pain must be determined. Common causes of back pain include:

  • bad posture
  • injuries
  • back hernia
  • Osteoclasis
  • Rheumatism

Back pain, a common problem, is mostly associated with a sedentary lifestyle or poor posture. In this context, the cause of chronic back pain may be wrong sitting and posture habits. Back pain is often experienced in cases such as a traffic accident or sports injury. Back pain may develop with injury to the muscles due to sudden movements or lifting something heavy. However, back pain that develops due to such reasons can be cured before it progresses if treated early.

Hernia, which is generally seen in the neck and waist, can cause pain by pressing on the back area. In this condition, which is accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty in walking and limitation of movement, a specialist should be consulted for the treatment of back pain. When the mineral density of a person’s bones decreases, the bones become more breakable. The mentioned fracture usually occurs in the vertebrae. Therefore, back pain may be related to osteoporosis.

Rheumatic diseases originating from the connective tissues around the joints and bones may present with back pain. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that when back pain does not go away, it may be associated with any rheumatic disease. In this direction, since rheumatic diseases can be seen at any age, it is beneficial to go to an orthopedic specialist.

What other diseases can cause back pain?

In addition to rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, hernia and injuries, different serious diseases can also present with back pain. In this context, other diseases characterized by back pain should also be mentioned. Although rare, the diseases that can be seen as the basis of back pain are as follows:

  • Deformity: It is known that diseases such as scoliosis and kyphosis can cause back pain along with joint degeneration.
  • Tumors: Benign or malignant tumors in the nerve structures in the spine and bones can cause back pain. It is also said that tumors in different organs can spread and cause back pain. Therefore, in the case of back pain that does not go away, other symptoms must be told to the specialist doctor.
  • Fibromyalgia: This disorder, which can develop in relation to living conditions, can spread to the shoulder and urethra along with the back. Therefore, this disorder, which is also characterized by morning stiffness, is likely to cause back pain.
  • Degenerative changes: When defects and calcification occur in the discs, these discs may become dished due to fluid loss. This may be one of the underlying causes of back pain.
  • Reflected pains: Reflected pains in the body may develop due to different organs. Therefore, various problems ranging from heart diseases to stomach problems may present with the symptom of back pain.

The treatment of back pain, which can occur due to different reasons, may vary depending on the situation that causes this problem. Therefore, before starting the treatment process, various tests can be applied to the patient to first determine the cause of the back pain. Here, it is possible to apply various imaging techniques to the patient. Together with the doctor’s physical examination and the tests applied to the person, the root cause of the back pain is determined. Then, the person is given suggestions for changes related to his life habits. However, if back pain is caused by a certain disease, it is possible to use medication or to resort to surgical intervention. In general, the applications that can be recommended to people looking for solutions to back pain are as follows:

  • Paying attention to the screen alignment: When using a television, computer, tablet or smart phone, care should be taken that the screen is at head level.
  • Paying attention to the posture: Especially those who work at desk jobs should take care to sit in an upright position.
  • Taking time to rest: If possible in daily life or business life, you should rest by sitting in the right position every 2-3 hours daily.
  • Trying not to gain excess weight: It is known that excess weight is associated with back pain. Therefore, weight control can prevent back pain in the long run.
  • Exercising: Exercising regularly promotes healthier muscles and joints. For this reason, it is important to exercise regularly and take care not to stay sedentary.

How is back pain treated with a cold?

Like bone and muscle problems, the common cold can cause back pain. However, it is known that back pain symptoms are commonly experienced in the case of winding. Therefore, it is seen that many people are researching how to relieve back pain in the common cold. It should be reminded that painkillers prescribed for the treatment of colds are effective in relieving back pain. In addition, people who want to apply for natural solutions can be recommended to mix garlic and turmeric with yogurt and consume it as a snack. This miraculous cure with antioxidant and pain-relieving properties is said to be effective in curing back pain.

Individuals who want to get rid of back pain that can develop due to many reasons, “What is good for back pain, what are the solutions at home?” seeks an answer to the question. In this context, it should be reminded that first of all, attention should be paid to living habits. Because even the acquisition of correct posture and sitting habits “How to treat back pain at home?” creates an answer to the question. In addition, herbal remedies for back pain can be specified as follows:

  • It is possible to massage the area with back pain with a banana peel. It is said that with this method, the pain can be relieved after 5-10 minutes.
  • The raw potato, which is grated and juiced, can be wrapped around the back pain with the help of a cheesecloth. Thus, it is stated that back pain is felt less during the day.
  • It can be mixed with thyme oil and almond or olive oil and applied to the back area. This mixture, which is known to have a pain-killing effect, is very effective in relieving the severity of back pain.
