What is good for atherosclerosis? How to cure atherosclerosis with home treatment?

What is good for atherosclerosis How to cure atherosclerosis with

Even if we are not aware of it, some ailments that we can see as minor health problems in our lives can lead to serious problems over time. Inactivity, which is at the center of a passive life, also lays the groundwork for these problems as an invitation.

What are the Symptoms of Vascular Occlusion?

Occlusion is caused by a decrease in blood flow in the vascular pathway in any organ in the body. Nutrients and vitamins that we need physically are carried in the body through veins and blood. Some harmful substances in the vein can negatively affect blood flow and slow down or even stop blood flow. This creates serious health problems. The main causes of atherosclerosis are arteriosclerosis and blood clots. As we mentioned above, at the beginning of the factors that play a role in causing these are a sedentary life and smoking and alcohol use. We can list the following items as symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • severe bruising on the toes
  • Impotence
  • Memory loss, vision problem, headache, speech disorder due to vascular occlusion in the brain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling, pain, coldness, tingling and numbness in the vascular occlusion area
  • Tenderness, numbness in the shoulders, toes and fingers
  • Pallor in the area of ​​the skin where the vein is clogged
  • Pain and rhythm disturbance in the heart region
  • Muscle twitches, cramps, weakness and contractions in certain areas
  • Pain in standing while resting and walking in vascular occlusions in the legs, gangrene symptoms

Foods that block the arteries are fried foods, animal fats, margarine, pastries and foods with high sugar value. There are foods that block the veins, as well as foods that strengthen the veins.

How Is Vascular Occlusion Detected?

Classical heart rate check: It is the doctor’s evaluation of the pulse intensity in areas where the leg arteries are close to the skin, such as the groin, back of the knee and ankle. It is a simple, short, plain, inexpensive and comfortable examination for the patient. For this reason, it should be applied to all patients as much as possible. A full heart rate can rule out peripheral vascular disease. However, a weak pulse does not necessarily mean that you have vascular disease. Because the examination may vary from person to person, some heart rates may not be measured in normal individuals. For this reason, pulse examination is not considered a healthy and reliable method.

Ankle-arm index (ABI): It is a test that aims to detect whether there is a blockage in the leg veins by comparing the arterial pressures in the arm and leg. For this purpose, blood pressure is measured from both legs and arms. However, in these measurements, a pen-shaped hand doppler is used instead of a listening device (stethoscope). Normally, the blood pressure in the leg is slightly higher than the blood pressure in the arm. When the blood pressure in the leg is below 90% of the blood pressure in the arm, a diagnosis of occlusion in the leg veins (peripheral vascular disease) can be made. ABI is a very sensitive and reliable test for both diagnosis and follow-up of peripheral vascular disease. However, it cannot specify the type, location and number of occluded vessels. This information can only be obtained by radiological imaging methods.

Radiological imaging methods: ABI and pulse examination can reveal whether a person has peripheral vascular disease. After this step, much more detailed information and data can be obtained with methods that directly display the vessels.

Classical angiography: In classical angiography, the patient’s inguinal artery is entered under local anesthesia and a very thin tube called a catheter is inserted into the vessel to be observed. Then, a drug that stains the vessels is given through the catheter, followed by x-ray films and serial images of the vessels are obtained. These images contain extremely clear, precise and reliable information. For this reason, classical angiography is still considered the most reliable method for imaging vessels.

Methods Good for Atherosclerosis

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  • Like a pear, it can be consumed as a very active food item and food item to break down the nutrients accumulated in the vein and expel them together with the urine.
  • Various herbal and medicinal supplements and cures can be prepared. In this regard, black radish is the most suitable herbal solution for atherosclerosis.
  • A balanced and regular diet is important for body health.
  • The daily fat intake should not exceed 25-30% of the energy consumed.
  • Body mass index controls should be done twice a year.
  • Exercise should be done regularly every day. It is necessary to jog 3-6 times a week for 4-7 km and to walk for 35-45 minutes in at least 5 days. But in the morning, blood flow rate is low and blood pressure is high. That’s why you should be careful.
  • Care should be taken in the use of heart disease drugs and precautions should be taken in places where the ambient temperature varies.

In addition to these recommendations, things to remember are; Regular sleep will increase your quality of life with a life away from nerves and stress. Thanks to these methods, which are good for atherosclerosis, the circulatory disorder will begin to improve.

Foods Good for Cleaning and Congestion of the Veins


1. Foods with Fiber

Consumption of whole grains, beans, oatmeal, plenty of vegetables and fruits is very beneficial.

Men should consume 30-38 grams per day, while women should consume 21-25 grams.

2. Omega3

Foods such as salmon, tuna, and flaxseed, which are consumed weekly, help our system to prevent cholesterol oxidation and blood clotting, and regulate the functioning of capillaries.

It can be taken once at around 500mg at any time of the day.

3. Nutritional Supplements

Fish oil, nutrients, including vitamins E and K, are the simplest answer to the question of how to clean the plaques formed in the veins.

It can be taken with the advice of a doctor and can be used in certain periods.

4. Spinach

Spinach, which contains plenty of nitric oxide, minimizes the risk of heart attack by preventing vascular contractions, clots and blood accumulation. Since spinach is rich in vitamins A and C, it prevents bad cholesterol from sticking to the inner structure of the vessel and is one of the foods that are good for capillaries.

It should be consumed regularly as a meal with a maximum of 2 or 3 weeks intervals.

5. Asparagus

Asparagus prevents blood clotting and reduces blood pressure. At the same time, it reduces the levels of proteins in the body that cause inflammation of amino acids that trigger heart attack with the vitamin B it contains. It increases the production of antioxidants.

Add 200 ml of freshly boiled water to 3 teaspoons of asparagus grass, infuse for about 25 minutes. It can be drunk half an hour before a meal, 2 times a day.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric, also known as curcumin, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps protect heart health. Turmeric protects the cardiovascular system, reduces bad cholesterol levels and prevents vascular occlusion.

Turmeric can be consumed daily by adding 1 teaspoon to a glass of warm water.

7. Flowers and Leaves of Hawthorn Fruit

Hawthorn is among the most important herbal substances that have positive effects on the heart and do not contain toxic compounds. Plants used as heart strengtheners generally contain poisonous glycosides, so they can only be used in a standardized state. This is not the case in hawthorn as it does not contain toxic glycosides. For this reason, it is the best herbal ingredient to have at home, and it is also one of the most effective vasodilator foods.

Take 2 teaspoons of dried hawthorn leaves or flowers and brew them in 1 liter of boiling water for 20 minutes, then sweeten with honey and drink a glass three times a day.

8. Onion and Onion Juice

Onion juice lowers cholesterol, opens clogged heart vessels, and even in long-term use, it has been obtained by many observations that it melts excess fat in the body.

Onions the size of 2 walnuts are peeled and chopped, then put in a glass of water. Boiling water is added to it, the water can exceed half the glass or be a full half glass. This cure should be prepared before going to bed at night. Then the top of the cure is covered with a paper or lid. It is drunk in the morning. (You can squeeze a quarter of a lemon on it if you have it) The important point is this; Do not eat or drink anything for 30-45 minutes. If this rule is not to be followed, there is no need to do this cure.

9. Garlic

Garlic is among the most serious and effective natural vasodilators. It plays an important role in opening the blockages in the veins, relaxes the blood flow and opens the veins. In addition to being a natural antibiotic, garlic helps lower blood pressure, dissolve blood clots and fight bad cholesterol. With the help of allicin it contains, it throws out harmful substances to the body. Regular consumption of garlic dilates blood vessels and lowers bad cholesterol. In this way, it prevents vascular occlusion and stiffness.

You should make it a habit to eat 2-3 cloves of garlic every day. If you cut it into small pieces and swallow it as a pill (with water) without chewing, the unpleasant odor will not bother you.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli, one of the vegetables whose value is unknown; It is rich in sulphaphane, prevents damage and inflammation of the arteries, and is also effective in protecting vascular health. In addition, it is an important nutrient in terms of containing vitamin K, which prevents the damage of calcium to the vessel wall. Its dense fibrous structure helps lower cholesterol levels and maintain blood pressure.

To protect cardiovascular health, 2 to 3 servings of broccoli should be eaten every week or half a cup of raw broccoli juice should be drunk.

11. Pineapple

Pineapple, which minimizes the risk of blood clotting, contains a protein-degrading enzyme. This enzyme, known as bromelain, prevents blood from clotting and blood cells from sticking together. This is a type of enzyme that breaks down proteins from other foods that are not easily digested. It is known as a digestive supplement because it breaks down protein and prevents fat accumulation. It strengthens the inflammation by destroying the veins. At the same time, it strengthens the immune system by increasing the effect of T cells, which are the first line of defense in the human body.

12. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a very effective fruit that helps us fight free radicals, has an antioxidant effect in the body, dilutes the blood, and thus helps to open vascular blockages. Pomegranate also stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide, helping blood circulation return to normal and keeping your arteries clear.

1-2 pomegranates can be eaten or squeezed and the juice can be drunk every day during the season.

13. Apple

Apple is among the fruits known as the most delicious natural vasodilators, which eliminates vascular congestion. It is known as the most accessible and most easily applied fruit for cardiovascular health. Eating 1 apple every day helps to protect against the risk of serious cardiovascular disease. Apples contain a certain type of fiber known as pectin, which is found in the bloodstream, which causes lowering bad cholesterol levels. This is done by interfering with the intestinal absorption of bile acids; The liver encourages it to use circulating cholesterol to make more bile. Also, the high flavonoid content in apples helps in reducing the risks of heart ailments and other cardiovascular conditions. In addition, the magnesium and potassium in apples make it easier to keep your blood pressure under control.

Things To Do To Accelerate The Opening Of The Veins

  • Take care to avoid a sedentary life by adapting exercise and light sports to your life.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
  • Treatment of vascular occlusions with medication is currently not possible. Never trust the products that are tried to be sold on television or the people around you who claim to treat you.
  • Minimize salt consumption.

The food and nutritional recommendations we give here; are recommendations to help prevent the risk of disease or prevent it from getting worse. In advanced cases, serious conditions that require medical treatment such as angiography and surgery occur.
