What is good for allergic cough, how long does the treatment take? What is an allergic cough, how does it pass?

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Cough can be seen in different seasons as a reaction resulting from allergic reactions. In this case, the natural response to irritation in the respiratory tract is called an allergic cough. While different factors such as mold, house dust and pollen can cause allergic cough, people usually complain of dry cough. Therefore, in addition to medical treatment, natural solutions that can be good for allergic cough are also frequently sought. At the beginning of the herbal solutions applied in this context, honey mixtures and throat lozenges come.

How does an allergic cough happen?

Basically, coughing is a natural response to irritation of the respiratory tract. Therefore, cough can be stated as a response by receptors located in the trachea, throat and lungs. However, cough can have different causes. Allergic cough also develops depending on certain factors. Factors mentioned include pet dander, pollen, mold and house dust. Again, air pollution, trees, weeds and some chemicals can also trigger allergic cough. Allergic cough, which develops due to these factors and is usually seen as a dry cough, reduces the quality of life of the person. Therefore, if the following symptoms of allergic cough are observed, a doctor should be consulted:

  • runny nose
  • Sneeze
  • breathing problems
  • wheezing
  • itchy nose

Allergic cough symptoms listed above and commonly seen, often answered “How to understand allergy cough?” is an answer to the question. People with these symptoms should definitely consult a doctor for the treatment and diagnosis of allergic cough. Because allergic cough symptoms may be associated with asthma in some cases. When the specialist doctor is consulted, it can be understood whether there is an allergic cough problem after the tests and analyzes and the physical examination. In this way, it will be understood what the person’s body is allergic to.

How is allergy cough treated?

It is often investigated how medical treatment of allergic cough, which develops differently from diseases such as colds and asthma, progresses. The first step in this direction is to go to an internist or otolaryngologist when allergic cough symptoms are observed. After sharing the symptoms of allergic cough with the specialist, tests and analyzes may be requested from the person. After the test results and the physical examination performed by the specialist, a treatment plan is created.

In the treatment of allergic cough, cough syrup or tablets that relieve dry cough are generally used. However, it is possible to use the sprays prescribed by the specialist according to the severity of the symptoms such as a runny nose. In addition, there are some recommendations that are recommended to be followed in order to alleviate or prevent allergic cough. These can be listed as follows:

  • Care should be taken to drink plenty of water.
  • Consuming vegetables and fruits should not be neglected.
  • When discussing with the specialist doctor, it should be tried to stay away from the factors that are detected and allergic reactions are shown.
  • Care should be taken to keep the home environment clean.
  • It should not be in contact with pet hair and products such as carpets and rugs.

How long does allergic cough treatment take?

The cough symptom that develops due to infection and the problem of allergic cough are different from each other. Because the factors that cause allergic cough are not viruses or bacteria. Therefore, the duration of allergic cough that can develop in adults, infants or children is also longer. The cough symptom that occurs due to different diseases is relieved with drug treatment. However, symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose and chest wheezing that accompany allergic cough can last for months. In this case, while the treatment of allergic cough usually lasts between 15 days and 1 month, it is extremely important to make changes in life habits in order to prevent the symptoms of this disease. As a matter of fact, the treatment of allergic cough involves a long process. Therefore, it is important to use drugs regularly in this process. Allergic cough can be triggered at any time by being in contact with various allergens to which the body reacts.

What is good for allergic cough?

The treatment plan of allergic cough, which usually manifests itself in the form of a dry cough and is also characterized by symptoms such as wheezing and runny nose, is personal. Because allergic cough symptoms can also be found to be associated with diseases such as asthma or the common cold. But in general, “What stops an allergic cough?” Some points can be mentioned that answer the question. These are as follows:

  • As in many diseases, water consumption is extremely important in the treatment of allergic cough.
  • A person with allergic cough symptoms should take care to drink enough fluids daily and consume hot herbal teas. Thus, it is possible to thin the mucus formed in the throat and to be easily removed from the body.
  • Medicines such as cough syrup and throat or nasal spray prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.
  • Again, in consultation with the specialist doctor, herbal lozenges can be used in the period when allergic cough symptoms are experienced. In this way, it is normal to see relief in symptoms such as dry cough and sore throat.
  • It is important for the person to be careful about airing the area, as well as to keep the home environment clean. Because in this way, the dust in the home environment can be prevented from causing allergic reactions.
  • Again, it is possible for a person with an allergic cough problem to use a room humidifier to keep the environment clean.
    Smoking should be avoided to prevent allergic cough. In addition, it is recommended not to be in smoking environments, since passive smoking also triggers allergic cough.

Are herbal treatment methods applied to allergic cough?

The treatment of allergic cough, which can be seen in both children and adults, must be carried out by a specialist. However, it should not be ignored that the treatment process of allergic cough spreads over a long period of time. Therefore, herbal remedies such as lifestyle changes recommended by experts can also be applied. In this context, “What is good for allergic dry cough?” The natural solutions that answer the question are as follows:

  • Quince leaf tea is known to be extremely effective in preventing or relieving dry cough.
  • People with allergic cough problems can brew fresh or dried quince leaf tea and drink a few cups a day without adding sugar.
  • It is known that echinacea tea is good for cough and chest wheezing symptoms caused by different reasons. In this context, consumption of fresh echinacea tea mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey can be preferred as one of the herbal solutions in the treatment of allergic cough.
  • Herbal tea obtained with a mixture of nutrients such as honey, linden and quince; It plays a role in the relief of dry cough. Therefore, people with allergic cough problems can consume this mixture in 2-3 cups a day.
  • Herbal tea prepared with green tea and cardamom can be consumed 2-3 cups a day to relieve dry cough. This mixture can also be good for chest wheezing, which is one of the symptoms of dry cough, with its antioxidant properties.

What is good for allergic cough in children?

As seen in adults, allergic cough can also occur commonly in children and infants. In this case, the life habits that should be considered in general and the treatment plan applied by the specialist are similar to those in adults. Therefore, when allergic cough is seen in children, first of all, a specialist should be consulted and the factors that the child is allergic to should be learned. Then, the child should be kept away from these factors and his life habits should be reviewed accordingly. While complying with the treatment plan specially created for the child, herbal supplements can be used. In other words, herbal cures that can be preferred in addition to the medical treatment of allergic cough in children can be listed as follows:

  • If the child is not allergic to milk, it is possible to consume one or two glasses of milk with honey a day.
  • Natural drinks such as linden and green tea can also be sweetened with honey and given to children.
  • Throat lozenges containing natural nutrients such as turmeric, ginger, honey and black elderberry can be used in consultation with the doctor during the treatment of dry cough in children.
