What is good for a tooth abscess? Natural solution for dental abscess at home

What is good for a tooth abscess Natural solution for

What is good for a tooth abscess that spreads to the roots? Paying attention to dental cleaning, changing the toothbrush every 4 months and consuming less sugary foods help prevent abscess formation. What are the symptoms of tooth abscess, can it be treated at home with natural herbal methods?

What Causes Tooth Abscess?

A dental abscess is a complication of a dental infection. Bacteria enter the tooth cavity or a dent or crack in the tooth and spread to its roots. Bacterial infection can cause swelling and inflammation of the root of the tooth.

  • Not taking good care of your teeth and gums (such as not brushing and flossing) can increase the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, dental abscesses and other dental and oral complications.
  • Consuming foods containing sugar and carbohydrates too often causes an increase in bacteria. Not brushing your teeth after consuming such foods also leads to inflammation.
  • A periodontal abscess occurs when plaque bacteria infect the gums, leading to periodontitis. Periodontitis causes inflammation of the gums, which can form tissue that separates the root of the tooth from the base of the tooth. A space called periodontal pocket is formed here and it is very difficult to keep this area clean. Periodontal abscess is formed by the accumulation of bacteria in the periodontal pocket.

Tooth Abscess Symptoms

Tooth abscess symptoms usually appear suddenly. The first signs of infection are severe pain and difficulty eating.

  • a severe, throbbing toothache that may radiate to the jawbone, neck, or ear
  • Increased pain when eating or drinking hot or cold foods/drinks
  • Sensitivity to chewing or biting pressure
  • Fire
  • Swollen lymph node under the chin or on the neck
  • Bad odor caused by infection in the mouth
  • tooth e](https://)ts bleeding

Apart from these, tooth abscess can also cause cheek swelling and dysphagia.

How Does a Tooth Abscess Pass?

The priority in the treatment of any dental abscess is to drain the inflammation and remove the source of infection. The dentist may begin treatment by taking an X-ray to determine how far the abscess has spread and what type of treatment is needed.

If the abscess is not drained, the infection can spread to the jaw, head, and other parts of the neck. If the tooth abscess erupts, the pain is greatly reduced but still needs to be treated. How is a dental abscess exploded?

1. Incision

The doctor cuts the abscess and the pus containing bacteria is drained. Local anesthesia is usually applied during this procedure.

2. Periapical abscess treatment

In this method, root canal treatment is applied to destroy the abscess. A surgical drill is used to drill a hole into the dead tooth and pus is drained. In the meantime, damaged tissues, if any, are also cleaned. Afterwards, the cavity is filled to prevent infection.

3. Antibiotic

Prescribed antibiotics can be taken along with pain relievers to prevent the spread of infection. Examples of antibiotics include amoxicillin and metronidazole.

Can an abscessed tooth be extracted?

If the tooth needs to be extracted and there is an infection, antibiotic treatment should be applied first. However, if there is a chronic problem, if the tooth has been decayed for a long time and is constantly swelling and descending, it can be extracted immediately without the need for antibiotics.

How Many Days Does a Tooth Abscess Take?

There is no clear answer to this question. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the abscess, the type, and the person’s immune system.


What Is Good For Tooth Abscess?

Since tooth abscess can cause death, it is important to take the right steps for its treatment. In addition to the damage to the teeth, what is good for a tooth abscess, which can cause sinusitis, inflammation in the brain and heart?

1. Garlic

It helps relieve pain and prevent the spread of infection. Take a clove of fresh garlic in your mouth and crush it with your teeth. Chew until the pain subsides. Then spit and rinse your mouth with warm water. To reduce lingering odor, you can add a few drops of clove oil to warm water.

2. Oregano oil

Oregano oil is an anti-bacterial and antioxidant and can help prevent swelling and reduce pain in an abscessed tooth. Drop a few drops of oregano oil on a cotton ball and hold it on the infected area for two to three minutes. Pull the cotton ball and rinse your mouth after 10 minutes. You can apply this method twice a day.

3. Black tea

Black tea has tannins that help reduce pain and inflammation, and it contains antioxidants that help fight infection and improve oral health. Soak a black tea bag in warm water for a few minutes. Take it out of the water, squeeze it out and put the tea bag on the abscessed tooth, let it sit for a few hours. Then rinse your mouth with warm salt water solution. Repeat once a day for a few weeks.

Harms of Tooth Abscess

  • Infected gums can damage the jawbone and cause teeth to fall out.
  • The infection can spread to the brain through blood vessels and lead to a brain abscess. In extreme cases, this can cause the patient to fall into a coma.
  • The infection can spread and lead to a sinus infection.
  • Bacteria from the infection can spread to the heart and lead to a condition called bacterial endocarditis.
