What is gerontophilia, what does it mean? Who is called gerontophilia?

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Gerontophilia describes feelings of sexual desire for older women or men. The first sign of gerontophilia is sexual desire for the elderly. This thought can come to anyone who feels sexual desire at any time. Gerontophiles can be stimulated by the older individual’s physical presence and characteristics such as wrinkles, a bent posture, white hair, and a feeling of frailty.


Studies of gerontophilia are limited. However, there is evidence that this condition, which is the opposite of pedophilia, may result from sexual contact with much older people during youth.

Gerontophiles view their sexual preferences as part of their sexual identity. If a person is worried that gerontophilia is becoming problematic for them, a treatment such as psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy or hypnosis may be sought.

In the treatment of gerontophilia, psychoanalysis, drug therapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, hypnosis are used.

Gerontophilia occurs more often in cultures where older people play an important role. People affected by gerontophilia consider the elderly figure; It associates it with elements such as protection, security or well-being.
