What is fitness and how is it done? What is fitness for, how many days is it done?

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The first priority for a healthy and fit body is adequate and balanced nutrition. However, nutrition alone is not enough to stay in shape. It is necessary to support nutrition with physical activities. Regular sports and exercise are recommended by professionals for a fit and healthy body. First of all, it is necessary to know what fitness is and how it is done in order not to have a problem.

What is fitness?

The word fitness has several meanings in English. The first of these is described as physical adequacy. In other words, it is defined as the state of being suitable for a task. As it can be understood from here, fitness describes a state of fitness in general, not a bodybuilding sport. Generally, people who are not interested in sports confuse these two issues. One of the activities that provide this state of fitness in fitness is bodybuilding. So bodybuilding is a subcomponent of fitness. While the aim in bodybuilding is to work and strengthen the muscles, the main thing in fitness is to be healthy and fit. After all, fitness can be considered not only as a sporting activity but also as a lifestyle. It can be integrated into life with a balanced diet and a planned daily schedule.

What does fitness do?

Physical problems such as poor posture are common in daily life and work environments such as the office. These can lead to more serious diseases and orthopedic problems in the future. These problems can affect the individual in different ways such as sleep quality and unhappiness. Thanks to fitness, which is the definition of fitness and competence, people gain positive effects that they can observe in many different areas. Fitness movements that work almost all the muscles in the body provide many benefits for the individual when applied with a regular program. Fitness benefits can be listed as follows:

  • Strengthening of muscles and bones
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • Contributing to spiritual and psychological development
  • Increased sleep duration and quality
  • Streamlining daily routines
  • Creating a visually aesthetic and fit appearance
  • Adds balance and flexibility to the body
  • Reducing the risk of getting diseases
  • Increasing the quality of life
  • Maintaining an ideal weight
  • Accelerating fat burning in the body
  • Increasing muscle strength
  • Posture correction
  • Accelerate weight loss time by increasing basal metabolic rate
  • Removal of excess water and toxins
  • The secretion of serotonin, the hormone of vitality and happiness
  • Positive contribution to the self-confidence of the individual

How to do fitness?

A regular fitness program created with the support of experts has a positive effect on maintaining your health and improving your fitness. Improper sports and exercises can lead to serious problems such as disability. For injuries and injuries that occur during exercise, a doctor should be consulted without delay. Therefore, it is definitely a process that requires professional help. Information should be obtained for exercises done at home or outdoors, and if working in the gym, it should be studied under the supervision of a personal trainer or sports trainer.

Every person has different needs, genetic and physical structure, expectations, sports experiences and abilities. Detailed and real information should be given to dietitians, sports coaches or physiotherapists in order to create a program suitable for this. Fitness movements can be done at home or outdoors with only body weight, as well as in gyms with professional equipment. Cardio training such as walking, running, jumping rope, cycling and swimming can be given as examples of exercises performed outside the gym.

What does cardio mean?

In short, it can be said that cardio is a group of exercises that increase the heart rhythm and make the body work at a high tempo. Cardio is used as an abbreviation for the word cardiovascular, which refers to the body’s blood circulation system. Cardio exercises accelerate the breathing process by running the heart at an intense pace and provide fat burning. It also provides a healthier blood circulation in the body. The benefits of cardio can be listed as follows:

  • Reducing the risk of heart diseases
  • Reducing stress and releasing the hormone of happiness
  • Increasing body performance
  • Increasing body condition
  • Improving lung functions
  • regulating blood sugar

Apart from cardio training, exercises such as pilates and yoga can also be done in fitness. With weight training, exercises to develop different muscle groups can be done. While it is important to strengthen the muscles in bodybuilding, it is at the forefront to give the body a healthy flexibility in fitness. Weight training can be done in the numbers and sets recommended by the sports trainers. You should also inform the specialist you consulted about the past illnesses.

How many days is fitness done?

A person’s goals are important when creating a fitness program. The goal can be for different reasons such as losing weight, being healthy, preparing for a competition for a professional athlete, and body building. A clear choice of goals is necessary both for an appropriate program and for the motivation of the individual. It is important for athletes who are new to fitness to proceed carefully and slowly. The goal is to create a program that will gradually increase one’s strength and stamina. After intense work, adequate nutrition and sleep are also necessary for rest, they should not be neglected. Another important issue for people new to fitness is muscle soreness. The individual should give himself time for the body to get used to it and the pain to go away. In order not to experience intense pain, it is necessary to follow a gradually increasing fitness program.

Doing sports or fitness every day of the week may not be as beneficial as one might think. As the body does not get enough rest, the risk of pain or injury may increase. However, it is not possible to give a clear answer for the ideal number of days. It may differ for everyone. Rest days are also included in the weekly programs that are implemented in a way that does not affect your health and daily life. Programs generally start with the kind of training that will suit their goals for beginners 3-4 days a week. Professional athletes can train 5-6 days a week. But even professionals devote at least one day to rest. It should not be forgotten that the body needs it.
