What is facial mesotherapy, when does it show its effect? How is mesolifting applied, what does it do?

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Mesotherapy applied to the face, that is, mesolifting, is very effective in eliminating wrinkles and spots. Thanks to the components or mixtures injected into the skin, the upper and lower layers of the skin renew itself. It also gains a healthier appearance as it is nourished by taking the components it needs. Thanks to facial mesotherapy, signs of aging on the skin due to age, time and environmental factors can be eliminated.

What is facial mesotherapy?

Facial mesotherapy, also known as mesolifling, is an application that can be used in the treatment of various ailments such as facial wrinkles, spots, acne. Facial mesotherapy is the process of injecting substances such as vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid that renew the skin and that the skin needs, with the help of micro needles. These substances help the skin to regain a youthful appearance by producing collagen and elastin on the face.

How is mesolifting applied?

“What is facial mesotherapy?” After answering the question, how this application is made can be explained. Mesolift application allows to deliver the supplements needed by the skin directly to the desired layer of the skin. The area to be treated is determined in the first session when the patient applies to the physician. At the same time, in this session, the person undergoes a detailed physical examination, their needs and diseases are determined, and if they are allergic to any substance, a notification is received.

“How is mesolifting applied?” The question can be answered as follows: Before starting the application, the skin is cleansed of dirt and cleaned well. About 30 minutes before the procedure, anesthetic cream can be applied to the relevant part of the face. The mixture, which is prepared in accordance with the needs of the area to be treated and the skin, is injected under the skin with the help of very fine micro-sized needles. There is also a needle-free facial mesotherapy application. In this application, electroporation technology is used instead of a needle.

What does mesolifting do?

Mesotherapy is a treatment method that can also be applied to the face area. Thanks to this application, it is possible to obtain a younger and healthier appearance on the face. The benefits of mesotherapy are:

  • It can increase skin elasticity by supporting the production of collagen in the skin.
  • It strengthens the structure of the skin and makes it resistant to environmental factors.
  • It can eliminate facial wrinkles, discoloration and fine lines.
  • Since it is injected directly into the skin, it is more effective than creams applied to the surface.
  • It can delay the signs of aging on the skin as well as delay the new symptoms.
  • It reduces the tired appearance of the skin and gives the skin a bright appearance.

When does facial mesotherapy show its effect?

Patients are wondering when the answer to the question of when the face mesotherapy will show its effect. Sessions in mesolifting vary between 4 and 6. Generally, the frequency of application is once every 2-3 weeks. Mesolifting can show its effect very quickly from the first session. However, this varies from person to person. Because everyone’s skin structure, disease and severity are not the same. After about the 3rd session, the changes in the face can be noticed visibly.

How long does the effect of facial mesotherapy last?

How long the effect of facial mesotherapy will last depends on the number of sessions. In order for mesolifting to be permanent, the patient should not interrupt his sessions. In addition, situations that may reduce the effect of the treatment should be avoided. For every disease, mesolifting does not persist in the same time. Depending on the person’s disease, severity and application area, it may be necessary to repeat mesolifting applications periodically.

What should be considered before and after mesolifting?

The effect of this treatment can be increased thanks to the things to be considered after facial mesotherapy. Before the treatment, you should definitely not take blood thinners. Because this application is made with micro-sized needles. After the procedure, the following should be noted:

  • The application area should not be touched with water for 24 hours.
  • For the first 48 hours after the procedure, strenuous sports and heavy movements should be avoided.
  • No make-up should be applied to the face for the first 4 hours.
  • As much as possible, the face should not be touched, if it is to be touched, hands should be washed.
  • Cream should not be applied to the application area except on the advice of a doctor.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided for a certain period of time.
  • Redness, bruising and swelling may occur in the application area. No concealer should be applied to cover them. These side effects will go away on their own.
