What is estrogen hormone and how does it increase? What are the symptoms of estrogen hormone excess?

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Estrogen is also known as the female hormone and is an important hormone for the female body. Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and plays an important role in women’s reproductive systems. It is also a hormone responsible for the development of sex characteristics in women. Estrogen affects many body functions such as breast tissue, bones and heart health. Imbalances in hormone levels can cause many health problems. For this reason, estrogen hormone is important for women’s health and its balance should be maintained.

What is the estrogen hormone?

Estrogen is a steroid hormone that is especially important for women. But it is also present in men and affects certain bodily functions. Estrogen is produced mainly in the ovaries and placenta, but the adrenal glands and adipose tissue can also produce estrogen. The production of this hormone is directly related to female reproductive functions such as ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

Estrogen hormone plays an important role in the development of female sex characteristics. Especially the growth of breasts is effective in the development of features such as fat distribution and skin structure in the female body. Estrogen is also important for bone health. Proper regulation of estrogen hormone is necessary to increase the mineral density of bones and prevent bone loss. Estrogen hormone functions:

  • Supporting the development of gender characteristics
  • Maintaining bone health
  • Protecting heart health
  • Influencing body fat distribution
  • Supporting brain functions
  • regulating the nervous system
  • affecting the immune system

How does estrogen increase?

The estrogen hormone is produced naturally in women, and many factors can affect the level of the hormone. Increasing the level of estrogen hormone provides many benefits, especially for women, but in some cases it can bring some risks. Many factors can help increase estrogen hormone levels. These include diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors. For example, certain foods can increase estrogen levels. Soy, flaxseed, tofu, and dairy products contain estrogen-like substances that can increase estrogen hormone levels.

Exercising regularly and adopting a healthy lifestyle can also increase estrogen hormone levels. Exercising reduces the body’s fatty tissue, which can increase estrogen hormone levels. At the same time, quitting bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption can also help increase estrogen hormone levels.

What are the symptoms of estrogen hormone excess?

An excess of estrogen hormone can cause many symptoms in women. Elevated levels of the hormone estrogen can cause many health problems, especially when not naturally regulated or excessively high. Here are some symptoms that may be due to an excess of estrogen hormone:

  • An excess of estrogen hormone can affect the menstrual cycle and lead to menstrual irregularities.
  • The menstrual cycle may be prolonged and problems such as intermittent bleeding or excessive bleeding may occur.
  • Increased estrogen hormone levels can cause breast tenderness and pain.
  • An excess of estrogen hormone can cause frequent headaches.
  • An excess of estrogen hormone can cause acne or other problems on the skin.
  • Excess estrogen hormone can cause weight gain.
  • Excess estrogen hormone can cause mood changes.
  • It can affect thyroid function and increase the risk of hypothyroidism.

How is estrogen balanced?

The level of estrogen hormone is important for the body and should be kept at a healthy level. Imbalances in hormone levels can cause many health problems. For this reason, several strategies can be applied to balance the estrogen hormone level. Nutrition plays an important role in balancing the estrogen hormone. You can consume foods containing estrogen-like substances in your diet. Foods such as soy, flaxseed, tofu, oats, and lentils contain estrogen-like substances and can help regulate the hormone estrogen. However, the consumption of these foods should not be excessive, because the excess estrogen hormone can also cause health problems.

Exercising also plays an important role in balancing estrogen hormone levels. Regular exercise reduces the body’s fat tissue, which helps regulate the estrogen hormone. In addition, regular exercise reduces stress and improves mood. In addition, some herbal supplements can be effective in balancing the estrogen hormone. For example, herbs such as fenugreek seeds, dill, and garlic can help regulate the hormone estrogen.

How is estrogen measured?

Measuring the estrogen hormone level can be helpful in diagnosing and treating many hormone-related health problems. Various methods can be used to measure the estrogen hormone level. The blood test is the most widely used method for measuring the level of estrogen hormone. This test is done by taking a blood sample from the patient’s arm. The blood sample is sent to the laboratory and the estrogen hormone level is measured. This test is usually done as part of a panel measuring many hormones.

Another method is the urine test. This test requires the patient to collect a urine sample to measure the estrogen hormone level at home or in the laboratory. However, the urine test is less sensitive than the blood test and usually gives only a general idea of ​​the estrogen hormone level.

How to increase estrogen homo?

Estrogen hormone level can be increased naturally or with medications. Some natural methods include the consumption of soy products, flaxseed, purslane, nuts, whole grain foods, and some vegetables. In addition, regular exercise can help increase the level of estrogen hormone, providing weight control and reducing stress. However, before using drugs to increase the level of estrogen hormone, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What does the estrogen hormone do?

Estrogen hormone plays an important role in the development of female sexual characteristics and the regulation of the menstrual cycle. It is also effective in bone health, cholesterol levels, skin health, brain functions and many other biological processes.

How is estrogen balanced?

Estrogen hormone levels are balanced depending on factors such as a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, regular exercise, stress management and sleep. Also, treatments such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help regulate estrogen levels.

What symptoms does estrogen hormone deficiency cause?

Estrogen deficiency can cause symptoms such as vaginal dryness, sexual reluctance, low energy levels, mood swings, sleep disturbances, osteoporosis, and infertility. During menopause, women experience a natural decline in estrogen levels and these symptoms may be seen more frequently.
