What is Estradiol, What does Estradiol mean? How much should estradiol be? Causes and symptoms of high and low estradiol

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This hormone, also called estradiol, occurs in vertebrates and arthropods, as well as humans and mammals. It plays a role in displaying secondary sexual characteristics in female creatures. It affects the development of reproductive organs in the human body, the growth of breasts and hips, and the strength of bone structure.

The hormone estradiol, secreted in the eggs of women, can be synthesized with cholesterol in the liver, brain, adrenal glands, adipose tissue and breasts. Estradiol level, which rises with menstruation, decreases with menopause and after a while it ceases to be produced. Estradiol, which is a very important hormone for reproductive health, is one of the frequently researched topics today.

What is estradiol?

Estradiol is the name given to one of the three estrogen hormones naturally produced in female organisms. Men and women both secrete estradiol, but levels of the hormone are much higher in women than in men. Estradiol regulates fat distribution in the female body. The task of this hormone is to protect the reproductive system.

Increased estradiol levels during menstruation cause the uterine lining to thicken to allow the egg to mature and be released, allowing the fertilized egg to implant. It is a hormone secreted in the ovaries. In women, it decreases with age and decreases further during menopause. Its effects on the male body are; It is beneficial for bones, helps nitric oxide production and brain function.

Secreted estradiol levels vary according to age and gender. A high amount of E2 is secreted during fertile periods. After menopause, estradiol levels are almost zero. Normal levels for estradiol are:

  • 30-400 pg/mL for premenopausal women
  • 0-30 pg/mL for women after menopause
  • 10 – 50 pg/mL for men

Normal values ​​may vary depending on the laboratory where the test is performed. In some laboratories, different measurement systems are used or different samples are tested. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the test results.

Higher-than-normal secretion of the hormone estradiol is caused by a problem in the ovaries that causes excessive hormone production. Estradiol levels may increase in many gynecological health problems, including endometriosis and cancers of the female reproductive organ. Some conditions that can cause high estradiol include:

  • Tumors in the ovaries or testicles,
  • Adrenal gland tumors,
  • breast cancer,
  • Breast enlargement in men, called gynecomastia,
  • Hyperthyroidism, overactivity of the thyroid gland,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Liver cirrhosis or serious liver diseases.

What are the causes of low estradiol?

If the hormone estradiol is below normal levels, it means that the ovaries are not working properly. Conditions that cause lower than normal levels of the hormone estradiol include:

  • Menopause
  • Turner syndrome
  • Ovarian failure or early menopause

What are the symptoms of high estradiol?

Estradiol levels in the blood may increase in many gynecological health problems, including endometriosis and cancers of the female reproductive organs. Some conditions that can cause high estradiol include:

  • Tumors in the ovaries or testicles,
  • Adrenal gland tumors,
  • breast cancer,
  • Breast enlargement in men, called gynecomastia,
  • Hyperthyroidism, overactivity of the thyroid gland,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Liver cirrhosis or serious liver diseases.

What are the symptoms of low estradiol?

Prepubescent children and women approaching menopause are more likely to experience symptoms related to low estrogen. Symptoms that may occur due to low estrogen and estradiol levels are as follows:

  • Tiredness,
  • Weakness,
  • state of depression,
  • Attention and focus problems,
  • hot flashes,
  • Frequent urinary tract infections,
  • Pain during sexual intercourse due to vaginal lubrication,
  • Irregular menstrual periods.
