what is Emmanuel Macron doing?

what is Emmanuel Macron doing

There was to be a Council of Ministers at the Élysée this Wednesday, January 3, 2024. But we learned last week that it was canceled. Enough to fuel, once again, the rumors of a government reshuffle, of the replacement of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, thanked on Sunday December 31 by Emmanuel Macron during his wishes to the French for the new year.

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Emmanuel Macron gave, on Sunday December 31, “a meeting with the nation” during his traditional televised New Year’s Eve address, without further details. The French political start of January therefore opens with uncertainties and latent suspense.

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Speculation about a reshuffle has indeed been revived. The rumor started about the cancellation of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday January 3. For several weeks, the hypothesis had been formulated by some, particularly after the departure of Aurélien Rousseau from the Ministry of Health. He left office following the adoption of the immigration bill. The question is no longer if there will be a reshuffle, but rather when it will take place.

Within two weeks, according to a government source. Will he punish those unhappy with the immigration law? The reflection is underway. Several hypotheses… The names of the Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu and that of the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, are cited. One thing is certain: Elisabeth Borne should leave Matignon. In this context, another clue fuels speculation. Strong thanks from the Head of State to the Prime Minister during his vows.

Pride or disappointment to come?

The president may have displayed a wind of optimism during his wishes to the French, promising a year of “ French pride » station at the exit of the road. If it is difficult to criticize the president for wanting to be a little optimistic after the year 2023, the risks of presidential slips are quite numerous.

2024 is a year of challenge, starting with the Olympic Games in Paris this summer. Between the spectators from all over the world and the main heads of state present around Emmanuel Macron, he can hope to see his popularity soar. But only if everything goes well. We are thinking in particular of security and transport. Factors which could directly taint the image of the President of the Republic.

2024 will also be a year of memory with the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. If the Head of State is often comfortable in this memorial exercise, the challenge will be to not appear out of step with the concerns of the French.

Then there will be the European elections in June. The RN is already in ambush. And Emmanuel Macron wants to take advantage of this election to replay the presidential match. But the RN list is already almost 10 points ahead of the presidential party, whose head of list has still not been designated.

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Heading right for 2024?

The head of state is frequently criticized for not having a direction and for governing according to emergencies. But Emmanuel Macron enjoys his costume as president of crises. A posture which allows him to mask this lack of direction. If in recent weeks, the latter was rather to the right with the vote on the immigration law, will the head of state continue to govern on his right leg or will he refocus?

The majority is today divided. But the head of state explained that his objective had been the same for the seven years he had been leading France: to make it stronger and fairer. A course which in all likelihood should remain on its right given the polls.

Read alsoWishes from Emmanuel Macron to the French: “We must continue the rearmament of the nation”
