What is dopamine detox? How to do dopamine detox?

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Dopamine detox, prominent in Silicon Valley, is seen as an antidote to the effects of excessive and rapid stimuli in modern life. It is predicted that dopamine detox can achieve a healthy brain structure by regulating the reward mechanism in the brain. At this point, the question of what dopamine detox does is frequently researched.

What is dopamine detox?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that plays a role in many actions. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that drives an individual to do that thing before and after a pleasurable activity or experience. Dopamine is also responsible for the formation of negative patterns such as alcohol consumption, drug, gambling and sexual addictions. If these influences do not work properly, it is not possible to be motivated to eat, sleep, communicate with other people, work towards goals, and all other enjoyable and useful actions.

Dopamine detox means staying away from pleasure stimuli such as fast food, junk food and social media for a certain period of time. The aim here is to reset the brain, to enjoy it at a healthy level and not to get caught up in addictive movements. It is not scientifically possible to do a complete dopamine detox, but this type of balancing and process of adjusting preferences, lifestyle and habits can really help.

How to do dopamine detox?

Some of the behaviors that can be implemented to detox dopamine are as follows:

  • Staying away from social media, TV, movies, YouTube, and video games for a certain period of time.
  • Keeping your mobile phone turned off at certain times of the day
  • Staying away from sugary and sweet foods for a certain period of time.
  • Avoiding any form of caffeine consumption for 1-2 weeks.
  • Limiting or eliminating alcohol consumption.
  • Abstaining from sexual intercourse and sexual acts for a certain period of time.
  • Staying away from actions and interactions that feel good and are desired for a certain period of time.
