what is “diffuse erasure”? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express

what is diffuse erasure LExpress explains everything to you –

This week, Valentin Ehkirch, journalist in the Climate section of L’Express, explains everything about the diffuse shedding implemented by energy suppliers.

READ ALSO >>Electricity consumption: diffuse erasure is gaining ground


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The team: Mathias Penguilly (presentation and writing), Charlotte Baris (editing), Jules Krot (directing).

Credits: France 3 Alpes, RTBF La Première

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent

Image credits: Loic VENANCE / AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

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Mathias Penguilly: Diffuse erasure, at L’Express the journalist who knows the subject best is Valentin Ehkirch from the Climate section. When it comes to energy, when we talk about “erasure”, what are we referring to?

Valentin Ehkirch: Shedding is the act of erasing one’s consumption from the electricity network for a more or less long period. I’m going to anticipate your next question right away: why should we cut down on our consumption? To remove a load on the electricity network and avoid a blackout, during a peak in electricity demand for example…

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