Thanks to the developments and innovations in the world of technology, we encounter another technological concept every day. One of these concepts is the term deepfake. Deepfake technology is a type of technology that we encounter in many different areas today, from the art community to business life. While innovations in the world of technology benefit human life when used correctly, they can cause serious harm when used incorrectly.
What is deepfake?
With the rapid development of technology, many different terms have entered human life. One of these terms is a technology called deepfake, which is created using artificial intelligence techniques and is commonly used to change audio or videos. At this point, the issue of what deepfake means in terms of its Turkish meaning may come to the fore. This concept is a word formed by combining the words deep and fake. While the Turkish equivalent of the word deep is “deep”, the word fake means “fake”.
How to make deepfake?
Artificial intelligence techniques are used when using deepfake technology. It is possible for any individual to be added to a video thanks to this technology. When this addition is done without permission, it can cause major problems. This technology not only adds people to videos or photos, but also has the ability to create a new audio recording using voice recordings. Automatic encoders and artificial neural networks are used in the deepfake process. With these artificial neural networks, images of any person’s face or voice can be obtained from different angles, and videos can be created with these images.
How to detect deepfake?
Since the tools used in deepfake technology are artificial intelligence methods, they bring with them a lot of risk. At this point, we may encounter the issue of how to detect deepfakes. With deepfake technology, a new and indistinguishable audio recording or video can be created using the voice or face of any individual. There are some methods to find out whether this technology is used in an audio recording, video or photo. These methods are generally as follows:
The first method to understand whether this technology is used in a video is that the person in the video does not move or blink their eyes at all.
The facial movements of the person in the video may move independently of the video.
The voice of the person in the video may seem real at first. However, when examined carefully, the fakeness of the voice can be revealed.
The skin structure of the person used in the video, the change in facial features or the movement in the hair may not be compatible with the theme of the video.
Pixelation is a very important issue in videos. Pixel irregularities may occur in a video content prepared using deepfake technology.
Is deepfake dangerous?
Deepfake technology is a technology that has a high potential to cause serious problems when not used for its intended purpose and used for different and malicious purposes. There is a possibility that the frequency of use will increase in many areas, from advertising to marketing, from service promotions to famous people. It can cause serious financial damage, especially when used in the business world. In this context, the question of whether deepfake is a crime may come to mind.
When any person’s face is used in videos, audio recordings or photographs through this technology, this legally means an attack on personal rights. Since the protection of personality is a fundamental principle in the field of law, using someone’s face or voice without permission and making a deepfake is considered a crime.