What is chronic anxiety? What symptoms?

What is chronic anxiety What symptoms

Chronic anxiety is a disorder characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness and fear that persist for at least 6 months. Causes, symptoms, consequences on life, diagnostic test and effective treatments to cure it.

What is chronic anxiety?

Chronic anxiety is a condition in which a person experiences inappropriate or excessive anxietyand persistent for a prolonged period, usually six months or more, explains Dr. Florence Curtet, psychiatrist. This anxiety is often associated with a variety of physical and psychological symptomssuch as muscle tenseness, heart palpitations, sweating, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, obsessive thoughts and excessive worry”. Chronic anxiety can also cause avoidance of stressful situations and significant impairment of daily functioning. “People with chronic anxiety may feel like they’re never able to relax or feel comfortable, even in situations that don’t seem threatening to others.“.

What are the symptoms of chronic anxiety?

Symptoms of chronic anxiety can vary from person to person, but generally include persistent and excessive anxiety that lasts for at least six months and which affects daily life, continues the psychiatrist. They are type of anxious emotions, thoughts or behaviors“, explains our interlocutor.

Common symptoms include:

► Excessive worry:People with chronic anxiety tend to be overly apprehensive or preoccupied with many aspects of their lives, such as their job, health, money, relationships, and other things that may seem normal to others. They are prey to ruminations, fear imprecise or uncertain dangers. explains the expert.

Muscle tension: Chronic anxiety is correlated with excessive muscle tension, which can cause pain and stiffness, especially in the back, shoulders and neck. “The diaphragm is also constricted, which often causes shortness of breath or tightness, which the person is often unaware of.”

Sleep disorders: People with chronic anxiety may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, which can cause excessive fatigue and lack of energy.

► Irritability: People with chronic anxiety can become easily irritated or frustrated, even in situations that do not seem stressful to others.“.

Digestive problems:Chronic anxiety is correlated with digestive problems such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation“.

Unpleasant physical sensations: Chronic anxiety can also cause unpleasant physical sensations like heart palpitations, tremors, sweating, dizziness, and nausea. “Coupled with an emotion of intense fear, these exacerbated sensations can cause panic attacks.“, she specifies.

Avoiding stressful situations: People with chronic anxiety may tend to avoid situations that cause them stress, such as social gatherings or public presentations.

What causes chronic anxiety?

The exact causes of chronic anxiety are becoming better understood, recognizes the doctor. They consist of a combination of physiological, psychological and environmental factors“.

Physiological factors: Chronic anxiety is associated with a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), our nervous system constantly sensing danger, and dedicated to survival reactions and action. (The autonomic nervous system consists of two systems, the sympathetic which is accelerating, and the parasympathetic which is braking.) This system is capable of creating physiological stresswhich is at the origin a mechanism of adaptation to the situations encountered in our environment“, describes our interlocutor. In chronically anxious people, he is in a permanent state of alert. “This induces imbalances in the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, norepinephrine and GABA“, she continues.

Psychological factors: Stressful life events such as job loss, divorce, serious illness, or the death of a loved one can trigger or worsen chronic anxiety symptoms. “Negative thoughts, perfectionist behaviors and irrational beliefs can also contribute to chronic anxiety.“, adds Dr. Curtet.

Environmental factors: Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, and lack of sleep can also contribute to chronic anxiety.“, lists the specialist.

Is there a test to diagnose chronic anxiety?

There is no single test to diagnose chronic anxiety. “The diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms reported by the patient, as well as on clinical assessment by a mental health professional, responds our interlocutor. The doctor may also order additional tests to rule out other medical conditions that may be causing similar symptoms, such as thyroid or heart problems.” During the assessment, the mental health professional will ask about symptoms, medical history and substance abuse, and family history of mental disorders. He may also use questionnaires or rating scales to help determine the level of anxiety severity. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help prevent long-term complications and improve the patient’s quality of life.

What is the treatment for chronic anxiety?

It’s about a actual medical condition which can be successfully treated. Treatment for chronic anxiety depends on the severity of the symptoms and the investment of the patient. Treatment is a combination of therapies, medications and lifestyle changes, according to our expert.

The breathing method is the major treatment for chronic anxiety, transportable and infinitely reproducible. “Under the supervision of a therapist, it is a question of learning to relax the sympathetic nervous system, to relax and soften the diaphragm, then to strengthen the parasympathetic system, to regain optimal regulation of the ANS.“. Diaphragm exercise and cardiac coherence can be learned and then practiced.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is associated with this learning to recognize the present state of the ANS. “It is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with chronic anxiety. She helps patients learn skills to manage their anxiety and change their negative thought patterns.”

►Dantidepressants, beta-blockers, or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help reduce symptoms of chronic anxiety. “However, it is important to note that these drugs can have side effects and should be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Benzodiazepines should be avoided at all costs in the case of chronic anxiety, because their real activity is short-lived, and they are quickly addictive, with eventual memory and balance disorders”.

Lifestyle changes help reduce symptoms of chronic anxiety:

  • The practice of regular physical activity
  • A healthy and balanced diet
  • A regular practice of relaxation
  • Reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption
  • Stress management helps

Complementary or alternative practices such as acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, yoga, sophrology, sylvotherapy, massages, can also help to reduce the symptoms of chronic anxiety, or to maintain the well-being obtained after treatment.

Thanks to Dr. Florence Curtet, psychiatrist, at Center Alpha (Ramsay Santé group)
