What is ChatGPT? How to use? – Cepholic

The nonprofit artificial intelligence OpenAI Inc. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that allows you to have human-like conversations with an artificial intelligence chatbot. The dialog format, OpenAI claims, enables ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge false premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

It is said to be able to answer anything from stories, mathematical solutions to theoretical essays.

The greatest feature of ChatGPT is that it is currently free as it is used by its creators for research purposes: OpenAI, an artificial intelligence and research company, has also released DALLE 2, a popular artificial intelligence art generator and Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system. it took.

How can I use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT chat.openai.com You can use it for free at , all you have to do is create an OpenAI account.

What can you create with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an expert in everything. We’ve seen people use it for everything from writing TV scripts to creating Python code. It also does a great job at answering simple questions like Google.

How does ChatGPT work?

OpenAI used Reinforced Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to teach the language model. With the help of human AI trainers, they were exposed to interactive conversations between humans and virtual assistants; this was a great way for the model to learn how real-life dialogue works.

Will ChatGPT replace Google?

ChatGPT was created to chat with the user. A search engine indexes web pages on the internet to help the user find the useful information they are looking for.

ChatGPT cannot (currently) search the internet for information. Instead, it pulls information from the data it’s trained on.

Doesn’t Google penalize content created with ChatGPT?

Google penalizes low quality content. And frankly, we agree that it should be. It’s more about the quality of your writing than the tools used to create it.

If your AI-written content is of low quality and doesn’t help readers, it’s likely to be penalized. If your HUMAN written content is of poor quality and does not help readers, this can result in penalties. There is nothing inherent in the fingerprinting of AI content, but any reader can understand shallow writing.

So don’t take a “set it and forget it” approach when writing with ChatGPT or other AI tools. Use artificial intelligence to give you time to invest more in research, original ideas, and the essence behind your words, and your content will do well in search, as many of our customers have.

The keyword is “helpful”. AI assistants are not AI writers. They help you, they don’t do it for you.

Is chatbot a new technology?

Chatbot technology is certainly not new. Several such models have been released, including some from tech giants like Meta and Microsoft, but with mixed success.

Microsoft’s AI chatbot “Thai” – “Thinking About You” was launched on Twitter in March 2016 under the name TayTweets and with the @TayandYou handler. However, it was taken down shortly after posting the racist, sexist and offensive comments it learned from Twitter users.

Meta’s Blender bot 3, released this year, took it to the next level. The company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, reportedly responded to a question that said his company exploits people for money and doesn’t care.

Background of OpenAI and Elon Musk connection

OpenAI is a California-based company famous for its GPT-3 software that publishes AI models that respond to text prompts. The second version of the DALL-E model, which the company recently launched, went viral for its ability to produce photo-realistic images from user prompts alone.

OpenAI was developed by Tesla Inc about seven years ago. It was founded by CEO Elon Musk and current CEO Sam Altman along with other investors. But in 2018, due to differences, Musk left the company. However, Twitter’s new boss was seen confirming the model’s abilities on her micro-daily website.
