What is burnout syndrome and how is it diagnosed? Burnout syndrome causes and symptoms

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The constant connectivity and bombardment of information brought about by modern technology can force individuals to be constantly on guard. This is exactly where burnout syndrome occurs. Most of the time, when individuals have difficulty in balancing their work and private lives and try to cope with constant demands, burnout syndrome becomes a danger for them.

Burnout syndrome is a problem not only of the individual but also of work and society. Healthy work environments, flexible working hours and support programs can protect individuals from burnout. Increasing awareness about burnout and providing open communication about it can lead individuals to a healthier, balanced and satisfying lifestyle.

What is burnout syndrome?

“What does burnout syndrome mean?” is a frequently asked question, especially lately. Burnout syndrome is defined as a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by intense and long-term stress. Burnout syndrome can lead to a serious health problem if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to recognize and treat symptoms early.

How is burnout syndrome diagnosed?

Burnout syndrome is usually diagnosed based on a clinical evaluation and the presence of certain signs and symptoms. Although a medical test or specific laboratory result does not confirm burnout syndrome, it can be diagnosed through evaluation under the supervision of a specialist. The causes of burnout syndrome can be summarized as follows:

  • Intense and constant stress, workload and pressure in working life can contribute to burnout syndrome.
  • Not being able to establish a healthy balance between work and private life and not being able to constantly switch between work and rest can trigger burnout syndrome.
  • Lack of emotional support in the work environment can weaken an individual’s ability to cope with stress.
  • Lack of achieving goals at work, a sense of accomplishment, and job satisfaction can lead to loss of motivation and burnout syndrome.
  • Lacking a social support system can impact an individual’s ability to cope with challenges.

To diagnose burnout syndrome, it is necessary to first meet with a therapist or psychiatrist. The specialist health professional conducts a detailed clinical interview about the individual’s living conditions, work stress, social relationships and emotional state. Key symptoms of burnout syndrome include persistent fatigue, low motivation, emotional exhaustion, decreased work performance, and depressive feelings. The presence of these symptoms is important in the diagnosis process.

How to understand burnout syndrome?

Symptoms of burnout syndrome usually occur on physical, emotional and mental levels. These symptoms often develop due to factors such as constant stress, excessive workload and emotional exhaustion. Burnout syndrome symptoms are as follows:

  • The individual may feel constantly tired and have difficulty feeling rested.
  • Insomnia or difficulties falling asleep may also occur.
  • Burnout syndrome involves feeling emotionally exhausted.
  • People often experience emotional symptoms such as lack of motivation, difficulty making emotional connections, apathy, and hopelessness.
  • Burnout syndrome is associated with a significant decline in job performance.
  • The individual may have difficulty performing work-related tasks, have difficulty making decisions, and may tend to avoid responsibilities.
  • The person may develop an overly critical attitude towards himself, feeling that he has failed to meet his job expectations.
  • Individuals experiencing burnout syndrome may generally tend to avoid social activities and relationships.
  • Social isolation can include a tendency to withdraw from the support system.
  • Headaches, muscle aches, stomach problems, and other physical ailments can be among the physical symptoms of burnout syndrome.
  • The individual may feel emotionally conflicted about work and life. For example, one may experience fear of leaving the job along with reluctance to work.
  • Mental confusion, distraction and concentration problems are common symptoms.

What is good for burnout syndrome?

For the treatment of burnout syndrome, it first requires the control of a specialist doctor. The key to treating burnout syndrome is to manage stress, make life changes, and seek help. Things that are good for burnout syndrome are:

  • The most important cause of burnout syndrome is stress. That’s why it’s important to do everything you can to reduce stress.
  • Exercise helps reduce stress and improve mood. It may be good to do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) a week.
  • Getting enough sleep helps your body cope with stress. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Eating healthy helps your body cope with stress. That’s why it’s important to consume plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Taking time for yourself helps reduce stress and heal yourself.
  • It is important to make time for your hobbies, spend time with your loved ones, and take time to relax.
  • To prevent or treat burnout syndrome, it is necessary to make some lifestyle changes.
  • It is important to identify and stick to your responsibilities and duties at work. It’s also important that you try not to use your time outside of work for work.
  • You don’t need to say yes to everything. Learn to say no to things you can’t or don’t want to do.

If you are having trouble coping with burnout syndrome, you may consider getting help from a therapist or counselor. Psychotherapy can help a person improve their stress-coping skills. The therapist can help the person understand the causes of stress and how to cope with them. If burnout syndrome includes additional problems such as depression or anxiety, medication may be required.
