What is beriberi disease, from which Jean-Phillipe suffers, one of the candidates for Koh-Lanta?

What is beriberi disease from which Jean Phillipe suffers one of

  • News
  • Posted on 04/11/2022 at 12:30 p.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    One of the candidates for the famous TF1 Koh-Lanta game show had to leave the show prematurely, in the episode broadcast on April 5. In question, an abnormal swelling of his feet which allowed the doctors of the adventure to diagnose him with a disease of beriberi.

    Jean-Philippe Massy, ​​candidate for Koh-Lanta, did not wait to see his torch extinguished by Denis Brogniart to leave the adventure. The Dieppois was forced for medical reasons to stop the game.

    What is beriberi disease?

    This disease is the name of a deficiency in vitamin B1, or thiamin. It is used by our body to produce energy, thanks to the metabolism of carbohydrates, but it is also necessary for that of proteins and lipids, for good nervous and cardiac functioning.

    What are the symptoms of this pathology?

    Fatigue, irritability, poor memory, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, abdominal discomfort and weight loss are the main symptoms of this lack of vitamin B1. There are two forms of the disease:

    • The dry form which results in neurological symptoms with walking disorders, tingling, loss of balance;
    • The wet form which affects the heart, with tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat), edema and difficulty in breathing.

    In the most serious cases, the patient may show signs of brain, heart or nerve damage. The swelling of the extremities will also be noted, with sensation of stings, cramps or pain in the legs.

    Vitamin B1 deficiencies are uncommon in developed countries. They are created by a too little diversified diet, composed mainly of carbohydrates such as white rice, white flour or white sugar. In some cases, chronic alcoholism may also be responsible for triggering the disease.

    Finally, it can also occur in the context of pathologies that increase vitamin B1 needs: hyperthyroidism, liver problems… Or even breastfeeding.

    As specified Mayotte Regional Health Agencyseveral measures can reduce the risk of developing this disease.

    Adopt a varied and balanced diet, of everything but in suitable quantities, favoring foods beneficial to our health (fruits, vegetables, starchy foods, fish, legumes, etc.), and limiting sugary products (confectionery, sugary drinks, etc.), salty ( aperitif cakes, crisps, etc.) and fatty foods (charcuterie, butter, cream, etc.).

    Certain cooking methods as well as heat are parameters that can reduce the nutritional quality of food and destroy significant amounts of vitamins. It is advisable to favor cooking in water and to reduce the cooking time.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    There are oral treatments to supplement. Furthermore, it is important to assess the intake of other group B vitamins, which may also be deficient. Finally, stopping alcohol and adopting a varied and balanced diet for vitamin intake are recommended.
