What is bench press? What are the types of bench presses?

There are different variations of the bench press, each targeting different parts of the body. It is extremely important to use correct form and technique during this exercise. Because it can cause serious injury if done incorrectly. The bench press is an exercise suitable for athletes of all levels who want to strengthen and develop their upper body muscles, and when done regularly, it can aid muscle growth, strength gain and body shaping.

What is bench press?

The bench press is a lifting exercise that works the chest, triceps and anterior deltoid muscles. This exercise uses a barbell or dumbbell and in a lying position the bar is held on the chest and the weights are lifted upwards by straightening the arms. This move builds upper body strength and endurance and tones the chest muscles. The bench press is also a common exercise in the training program of athletes, weightlifters, wrestlers, fitness enthusiasts and many other athletes. Bench press should be done with the right technique and form. Otherwise, the risk of injury may increase. Also, this exercise can be done in different variations, which helps target different muscle groups.

What does bench press do?

The bench press movement is one of the basic exercises for strengthening the upper body muscles in sports such as bodybuilding and fitness. The bench press movement works the chest, shoulder and triceps muscles and helps to strengthen and grow these muscle groups. Also, with increasing weights used during bench press, the size of the chest muscles can also increase. Bench press benefits:

  • Strengthens chest muscles: The bench press exercise works and strengthens the chest muscles. These muscles are important muscle groups used in daily activities and other sports activities.
  • Develops triceps muscles: The bench press also works the triceps muscles. These muscles are among the muscle groups located on the back of the arms and are important for having strong arms.
  • Strengthens shoulder muscles: The bench press exercise also works the shoulder muscles. These muscles keep the upper body strong and firm.
  • Increases body balance: The bench press exercise improves body balance and also works the core muscles.
  • Increases bone density: Bench press exercise increases bone density and helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • Increases fat burning: Weight lifting exercises increase fat burning and may aid weight loss.

Bench press is an effective exercise for strong chest, arms and shoulders. However, it should be done with the right technique and with the appropriate weights.

Bench press or dumbbell press?

Bench press and dumbbell press are effective exercises for both muscle development and strength increase. Which one to choose depends on personal preferences and goals. “Bench press or dumbbell press?” For the question, we can summarize the advantages and disadvantages of both movements as follows:

Bench press advantages:

  • Heavier loads can be used so it is more effective for strength development.
  • Targets multiple muscle groups. It specifically works the chest, triceps and anterior deltoid muscles.
  • A symmetrical form and movement control can be achieved by using barbells.

Bench press disadvantages:

  • Because it requires less stabilization, it does not work the chest and shoulder muscles as effectively as isolation exercises.
  • For some people, it may be uncomfortable at the point where the bar touches the chest.

Dumbbell press advantages:

  • Working the weights on both arms separately allows each arm to work according to its own strength level.
  • It increases stabilization and engages the core muscles as well.
  • With its different variations, it can target the chest, triceps and anterior deltoid muscles.

Dumbbell press disadvantages:

  • Less weight is used, so it is less effective in terms of strength development than the bench press.
  • Weight balancing and control can be difficult during repetitive movements.

The bench press is an exercise that works the chest, triceps and shoulder muscles and it is important to do it with the right form. You can follow these steps to do bench press movement:

  • Select the appropriate weight for the bench press. Start with low weights at first and gradually increase the weight.
  • Use a bench press bench where you will bench press, or a bench with a bar and weights.
  • Place the bar on the bench press bench and open your hands about shoulder-width apart to hold the bar.
  • Rest your back on the bench press and press your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Grasp the bar and slowly lower it over your chest to lift it. Try to keep your elbow at a 45 degree angle.
  • Hold the bar above your chest and slowly raise it again while exhaling.
  • After completing the exercise, slowly lower the bar onto the bench press bench.

It is important that you stay in the right form, move slowly and in a controlled manner, breathe regularly, and increase the weights gradually when doing bench presses. It is also recommended that you do a good warm-up exercise before doing bench presses.

Bench press movement can affect different muscles according to the way of working. “What muscles does the bench press work?” For the question, we can answer that it primarily works the chest muscles (pectoralis major), forearm muscles (triceps brachii) and shoulder muscles (deltoids). Secondly, it also works the back muscles (latissimus dorsi), lateral muscles of the arms (brachialis) and various muscle groups that provide stabilization.

Bench press is known to activate a large part of the triceps and deltoids, as well as being one of the movements that work the chest muscles the most. In addition, the bench press is important for stabilizing the core muscles as well as the upper body muscles. Different bench press variations can target different parts of the muscles. In this way, you can include different variations to provide variety in your exercise program and to work different muscle groups.

Does just bench press work?

Bench press alone may not be enough for muscle growth and general fitness goals. The bench press is an important exercise that targets the pecs and upper body muscles. However, it does not provide a full body workout. Also, by doing just one exercise, you don’t work other muscle groups and various movements in your body.

The bench press movement is an important exercise that you can include in your strength training. However, just by doing bench press, power imbalance and muscle imbalance can occur in your body. That’s why it’s important to combine the bench press with other exercises to provide a full body workout and to keep the muscles working in balance and harmony. Before you bench press it is recommended to consider which muscle groups you are targeting and how you can work other muscles in your body.

How to do bench press at home?

The bench press is an exercise that can be done at home, but it requires some equipment. You can follow the steps below to do bench press at home:

  • Set up a bench press bench for bench press exercise using dumbbells or barbells.
  • Place the bench press on the bench and lie on your back, keeping your hips and shoulders flat on the bench. Keep your feet on the ground.
  • Determine your grip width and raise the bar up. Bend your elbows and lower the bar about 2.5-5 cm above your chest.
  • Lift the bar slightly from your chest, then push it back up.
  • Complete your sets and then put the bar on the bench.

Doing bench presses at home requires using your fitness equipment properly. It is also important to do the exercise with the right form and with sufficient weight. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from a trainer or fitness professional, especially if you are a beginner.

What are the types of bench presses?

Bench press is an exercise that can be applied with different variations. The most common different types of bench presses are:

  • Barbell Bench Press: It is the most basic and common form of bench press. Usually a barbell and a bench press bench are used.
  • Dumbbell Bench Press: Similar to the Barbell Bench Press but using two dumbbells. Because this variety requires more balance, it works the stabilization muscles.
  • Incline Bench Press: Bench press is a type of bench press that is done slightly above the bench. Targets the upper part of the pectoral muscles more.
  • Decline Bench Press: Bench press is a type of bench press that is done slightly below the bench. Targets the lower part of the pectoral muscles more.
  • Close-Grip Bench Press: The bench press bar is held with a narrower grip than chest width. In this way, the triceps muscles work harder.
  • Wide-Grip Bench Press: The bench press bar is held with a wider than chest-width grip. In this way, the chest muscles work more.
  • Floor Press: Bench press is a type of bench press that is done lying on the floor instead of the bench. This type of bench press is ideal for people who do not have access to the bench or have suffered an injury.

By including one or more of these varieties in your program, you can get better results by working your chest muscles from different angles.
