What is aphasia and what are its symptoms? Is aphasia temporary?

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Aphasia affects an individual’s ability to use language skills, creating difficulties in social and professional relationships. Speech disorders, difficulty finding words, errors in the grammatical structure of the language and confusion of meaning are among the symptoms frequently seen in aphasia patients. This situation negatively affects the quality of life by limiting the individual’s ability to express himself and understand others.

What is aphasia disease?

Aphasia is also known as the disease of not understanding what is said or the disease of not understanding what is spoken. One answer to the question of what causes aphasia is that the disease is related to the brain. Aphasia is a language disorder that occurs as a result of damage to the parts of the brain related to speech and language. Aphasia can affect language skills such as speaking, understanding speech, reading and writing. What is the disease of not understanding what is spoken and what causes aphasia? It can be said that it can be caused by various reasons such as stroke, head trauma, brain tumor or infection.

What are the symptoms of aphasia?

Aphasia usually has a sudden onset. For this reason, the issue of how to understand that you have aphasia can be a bit complicated. Aphasia symptoms may also vary depending on the severity and location of the damage. Aphasia symptoms may include:

  • Difficulty pronouncing words or forming sentences
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s speech
  • Difficulty recognizing letters or words
  • Difficulty writing words or sentences

Is aphasia temporary?

Aphasia is generally a permanent condition and therefore it is not possible to answer the question of how long Aphasia lasts. However, with language therapy, aphasia symptoms can be reduced or aphasia can be improved.

Aphasia treatment is usually done with speech and language therapy (logopedia). This therapy aims to teach individuals correct speaking and comprehension strategies. In addition, language rehabilitation programs include special studies aimed at improving the individual’s language skills and increasing communication abilities.

Who gets aphasia?

Aphasia is a language disorder that usually occurs due to brain damage. People who have experienced stroke, paralysis, head injuries, brain tumors, brain infections, neurological diseases and brain surgeries are at risk of developing aphasia. Aphasia is usually not age-related and can affect people of all ages. However, it is generally more common in older ages.

What happens if aphasia is left untreated?

Early intervention is important in the treatment of aphasia. People who start language therapy early have a higher chance of recovery.

If aphasia is not treated, psychological problems such as deterioration in speaking, understanding speech, reading and writing skills, difficulty in communication, difficulty in finding a job and participating in social activities, depression and anxiety may occur.
