Nowadays, people prefer their personal data from their computers. People use XML text markup language to store and transfer their data. Files carrying this data .xml is in the format. In our article today XML What is file? How do we open the XML file? We will answer your questions.
Although you are not a computer engineer or software developer, you must have seen or used the XML file. The reason for this is that almost everything you encounter on the computer is XML extension. In addition, XML files can be read very easily by both humans and software.
XML is basically a text markup language. Although it is quite similar to programming, the tasks we will give with XML are simple and limited. The main purpose of these XML files, which are read by both humans and software, is to store and transfer data. Due to its main purpose, it can be easily read on all systems. XML as standard W3C defined by. of SGML Also known as a subset. Texts prepared using the XML text language are considered XML files and have the .xml extension.
What Does XML Do?
XML is used as the basis for data storage and data transfer, which people frequently use today. XML does not allow to use any irrelevant data and is taken as the basis for this function.
Microsoft provides the basis for XML files from some of their major software. In addition, Office programs were created based on XML.

How to Open XML File?
- Right click on the XML file.
- “Open Together” Click .
- Notebook select the app.
- Notepad will open for a certain amount of time, depending on the file size.
- If you save it by default, it will open in this format for all your future operations.
- The process is that simple.
How to Open XML File on Web?
- GROUPDOCS Access the website.
- Click the download button in the middle of the page that opens.
- Select the XML file you want to open.
- Depending on the size of the file, the opening time will vary.
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