What is an audiobook and how to choose it well?

What is an audiobook and how to choose it well

It is sometimes a question of time to optimize the wait in transport, to save time and multiply the activities at the same time, or to live a different experience. Audio books have sparked debate, particularly among literature lovers, but given the growing success of these sound formats, it is clear that it is a popular medium and still has a bright future ahead of it!

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After the arrival of digital book on the e-reader, it’s the turn of the audio book to find its place in the habits of readers. It is an alternative to (re)discover works or authors in another way.

What is an audiobook?

Sometimes the book is read by its author but it can also be an interpreter. It also happens that sound effects and music enrich the narration for total immersion.

If you’re hesitant and think audiobooks might not be for you, some brands offer free trials. For example, you could opt for a Audible free audiobook in order to make up your own mind before committing or not to a subscription. However, if you are already a fan of podcast or radio shows, there is no doubt that the audio book will allow you to explore audio content differently.

Is listening to an audiobook the same as reading?

There are several schools. Some will say that it’s totally different while, for others, it’s a complementary activity that can satisfy a thirst for reading unfulfilled. Moreover, audiobook aficionados have become accustomed to listening to a story while performing daily tasks.

For avid readers who feel they don’t have enough time in a normal day to indulge their passion, this is a very interesting alternative. On walks, during housework and sometimes even while working if your activity does not require a great deal of concentration, the possibilities multiply!

Moreover, it is also the opportunity to discover books that we would not necessarily have bought in a bookstore…

How to choose your audiobook?

We grant you, it is not easy to leave aside habits as ingrained as reading with your eyes the first time. But we are going to share some tips for you to choose your sound experience and who knows, this may be the first of a long series:

  • To start, avoid choosing complex books or stories with multiple twists. You may be less focused during your first listens and it would be a shame to be discouraged because you can no longer follow the adventures told by the narrator. For the first time, you can consider listening to a book that you have already read in the past. Who knows, a book you particularly liked could be rediscovered in a new dimension thanks to audio!
  • We also advise you to look at the ratings! Audiobook platforms often have a different rating system, this time emphasizing impressions related to interpretation. You can then get an idea of ​​the quality of immersion.
  • Listen to the excerpts. It is sometimes possible to listen to a short excerpt from the audio book. It’s a good way to see if eventually, this title would suit you for a first listening.
  • Finally, the opinions and the best recommendations will certainly be arguments to allow you to select among the many works available in the catalog at your disposal.

Simplifying access to literary culture, the audio book allows you to rest your eyes and get away from the screens for a few moments. Voice and sounds are enough to immerse you in a story. Now all you have to do is select your next listen in your favorite category: policeman and suspense, romance, essays or even personal development

Article produced in partnership with Audible

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