What is Airdrop, how to open it? What are the steps to open and use Airdrop, how to change Airdrop name?

Airdrop feature is available on devices with iOS operating system such as ipad, mac or iphone. Thanks to this feature, file sharing takes place quickly without the need for any application between devices. This feature has actually been around for a very long time. However, some device users prefer to use other file sending applications because they do not know how to use this feature fully. There are many advantages that this feature offers to its users.

The feature that performs the process of sending files wirelessly on devices running iOS operating systems such as iPad and iPhone is called airdrop. This feature stands out as a feature that is only available on devices with iOS operating system. Thanks to this feature, which is inherent in the devices, all kinds of items can be sent quickly and safely. Developed by Apple and offered to iOS device users, this application is also very easy to use.

With Airdrop, many different files can be transferred serially to another device. However, there is an important detail that should be noted here. This service is a service that can only be used between devices with iOS operating system. This feature cannot be used for sending to other devices. The airdrop feature offers many advantages for iOS device users and provides a faster way to send files.

How to open airdrop?

This feature, which makes it easy to share websites, photos, videos and similar content on devices with iOS operating systems such as Mac, iphone, ipad, ipad touch, is not very difficult to use. In order to use this feature on devices, it is necessary to open the airdrop first. It is not possible to transfer files wirelessly without turning on the feature. To turn on this feature from smart mobile phones, the settings section or the control center section can be preferred. It is possible to open and use the airdrop service from both sections. On Mac computers, you can activate this feature through the control center. The steps to turn on the Airdrop feature are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to log in to the “settings” section of the device.
  • After entering the settings section, click on the “general” section from here.
  • There are many titles listed under the general section. Among these titles, click on the place that says “airdrop”.
  • After activating the Airdrop feature, you will see three different alternatives on the same screen.
  • The first of these alternatives is “everyone”, the second is “receive off” and the third is “contacts only”. These options may appear in English if you are using your device in English. You must choose one of them.
  • The airdrop feature will become available after all transactions are completed.
  • Finally, you need to click on the item you want to share with, and then on the person.
  • It is important that the person to be shared has both bluetooth and wifi connection turned on.

How to rename Airdrop?

It is very simple to share files wirelessly between iOS devices with the Airdrop service. When using this service, the name of your device may be written in the name of the service. It is possible to change this name quickly. The steps to follow to perform the Airdrop name change are as follows:

  • First, you need to click on the “settings” section of the device.
  • Immediately after, the section that says “general” should be entered.
  • From this section, you should enter the section that says “about” and click on the place where the name of the device is written.
  • When the name of the device is changed from here, the name of the feature will be displayed with the name you have just chosen.

Some users may encounter a situation where aiddrop does not seem to work while using this feature. This may be due to several reasons. If the file to be sent is not registered in your directory, if the person’s bluetooth and wifi connection is turned off, if the airdrop settings are made incorrectly, it is highly likely that this feature will not work.
