A sociopath is a person affected by a personality disorder which is defined by antisocial, impulsive and guilt-free behavior. This disorder appears to have its origins in childhood…
What is the definition of a sociopath?
There sociopathy East a personality disorder, that is to say that it is a set of disorders whose symptoms are stable and permanent personality traits. This character rigid and “ill-adapted” induces dysfunctional behavior in social life as well as suffering for the person. Personality is only established after adolescence: thus, sociopathy cannot be diagnosed until adulthood, although behavioral disorders can appear well before.
What is the difference from a psychopath?
“Today, we mainly talk about antisocial personality” explains Dr Aïda Cancel, psychiatrist and doctor in neuroscience. “Depending on the periods and countries, we rather said “sociopath”, “psychopath” or “antisocial”. In psychiatry today, we do not make a distinction and we speak of an “antisocial” personality. This corresponds to the same clinical description.” she continues.
What are the symptoms and characteristics to recognize a sociopath?
It is marked by:
- impulsivity,
- a tendency to act out,
- an absence of guilt,
- difficulty conforming to social norms,
Impulsivity with acting out even if the consequences are obviously negative, which is common in people with antisocial personality disorder. “There is an impulse control disorder, which leads to acting out without evaluating the consequences“, notes Dr Cancel. She takes as an example prisoners who will commit an act of violence against a guard 15 days before their release, which will obviously compromise their release. Very often, there are transgressions at the social level, and the person’s life course is marked by contacts with the police and the justice system for theft, assault, destruction of public property, instability in relationships or in the professional career…”Even if antisocial personality disorder can only be diagnosed in adulthood, signs that we call “conduct disorders” can be found in childhood or adolescence.” specifies Dr. Cancel
Who is more at risk of becoming a sociopath?
“There are genetic vulnerability factors and more or less stressful life events” explains Dr. Cancel. “We find social factors, trauma, toxic consumption…” she adds. Socio-economic difficulties, violence or substance abuse are very often part of the patient’s history. Consumption of alcohol or drugs increases the number of acts of violence.
A disorder that has its origins in childhood?
Children with conduct disorders are obviously more at risk than others, hence the importance of teaching them empathy and non-violence. “If there are behavioral problems, it is because we need to look for difficult things in the child’s environment, explains Dr. Cancel. It will therefore be appropriate to carry out prevention:
- take more care of the child if he tends to be left alone,
- fight against family violence,
- promote empathy, cooperation, mutual aid…
- And very often prevention involves helping parents!” Contrary to some popular belief, there is no antisocial personality gene.
What to do when faced with a sociopath?
“The problem with this type of disorder is thatthere is no mentalization between the impulse and the act. During moments of anger and internal tension, it would be appropriate for loved ones to let things calm down, to take a little distance, to leave the person alone until it calms down and discuss afterwards” advises Dr Cancel. While being aware of one’s difficulties, one should not tolerate the crossing of certain limits and also be wary of a tendency towards manipulation. One must also, of course, bring the person to consult in order to that it can be adequately taken care of.
Can we treat a sociopath?
The basis of treatment is psychotherapy, in particular behavioral and cognitive therapies (TCC). Drug treatments can help if the sociopathy is strong: the psychiatrist may prescribe mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. There will also be treatments to treat the consequences of the disorder: addictions that require appropriate care, associated depression or bipolar disorder. “At the medicinal level, we treat comorbidities and impulsivity more if it is truly disabling than the disorder itselffor which there is no medicine” explains Dr. Cancel.
Thanks to Dr Aïda Cancel, psychiatrist and doctor of neuroscience.