What is a mythomaniac? Definition and characteristic symptoms

What is a mythomaniac Definition and characteristic symptoms

Different from a simple lie, mythomania is a real illness. The mythomaniac person generally invents a brilliant life, a rich family, exciting activities… Everything is false.

Definition: what is a mythomaniac?

There mythomania East a psychiatric illness. The psychiatric term “mythomaniac” designates a person presenting a compulsive tendency to tell lies and make up stories : we are talking about fabrications. Mythomania is defined by a pathological tendency to resort to lies without even being aware of it. People with mythomania may unconsciously seek refuge in lies to escape a certain reality. This term, created in 1905 by the psychiatrist Ferdinand Dupréhas its roots in Greek and Latin: “mythos” which means “legend”, non-historical narrative in Greek, while the suffix “mania” comes from the Latin mania, i.e. “madness“. It is distinguished from a simple lie, where false information is intentionally given, usually for utilitarian purposes. The mythomaniac person doesn’t realize she’s lying, and cannot distinguish real facts from those that are fiction. These lies can last for years : a mythomaniac is not someone who invents a little lie to avoid an invitation to dinner!

What causes mythomania?

As in most psychiatric conditions, it is difficult to find one or more specific causes explaining the disorders observed. However, it is commonly accepted by psychiatrists thata serious emotional shock can be the cause of the mythomaniac’s escape from reality. The news of an incurable illness, the death of a loved one, or a failure in love, school or work can encourage mythomania. This translates in the mythomaniac a lack of emotional maturity and self-confidence. We are talking here about pathological mythomania because lies are “pathological”. To be distinguished from the “psychotic” mythomania which is part of a baseless delusion with reality in people with psychosis (schizophrenia, delusional disorder, manic phase, etc.).

What are the symptoms of mythomania?

The mythomaniac does not realize that he is lying, unable to differentiate between the fruit of his imagination and reality. Ferdinand Dupré distinguished 4 types of mythomania:

  • the vain one (the person brags),
  • the wanderer (the person keeps running away),
  • the malignant (compensation for an inferiority complex through backbiting),
  • the perverse (fabricate to defraud).

Recognizing true mythomania can be difficult, for two reasons.

Recognizing true mythomania can be difficult, for two reasons.

The first is that you need to know discern a true mythomaniac from a simple liar inveterate. On the other hand, very often, the fabrications of a mythomaniac are sufficiently well constructed to become impossible to spot. It is often a psychiatric evaluation, combined with testimony from those around you, which allows the diagnosis to be made.

What are the differences with the manipulator?

As the mythomaniac needs to persuade those around him, he does not hesitate to manipulate them to be certain of his impact on others. However, it differs from manipulator who uses lies to achieve his ends and in a lucid manner. The narcissist, for his part, is convinced of having superior abilities which make him exceptional in the eyes of others, unlike the mythomaniac who constructs an imaginary world without being aware of it.

What attitude should you adopt when faced with a mythomaniac?

In certain cases, we advise you to follow and accept his lies so as not to hurt or upset him and to prevent him from becoming even more locked in his imaginary world. This is especially the case for mythomaniacs who are not very lucid or psychotic. If he is more open to criticism, we can act by questioning what you say and helping him accept reality while respecting his imaginary world, necessary for his survival.

What are the treatments ?

A psychiatric or psychological care can help reduce mythomania, but very often, affected patients are not aware of their disorder. There is no actual treatment for mythomania.. Only, a psychiatric analysis can help him find the causes buried in his unconscious of his illness, and thereby offer a path to recovery. Psychological follow-up is necessary if the mythomaniac agrees to recognize his disorder. Otherwise, especially in cases of psychosis, antipsychotic medications can help him face reality.
