What is a iodine cage? How to make a iodine cage?

The human body can produce many vitamin, minerals and elements that are necessary for life to continue. However, some of them cannot be produced as in the case of iodine. Therefore, iodine is required by external reinforcement. Iodine can be taken through foods as in seafood.

What is a iodine cage? What does the iodine cage do?

Iodine cage, especially iodine deficiency It is a method used to increase iodine levels of living people and to support thyroid health. Iodine, which is a micro nutrient that supports various vital functions in the human body, is applied to the body thanks to this method.

Some of the situations in which the iodine cage method is good and benefits are as follows:

  • Removes chronic cough.
  • Expectant
  • It is good for colds.
  • It is good for inflomation.
  • Eliminates edema formation.
  • Used against inflammation.

Which iodine is used for iodine cage?

Iodine cage damages can be seen when used incorrectly or unconsciously. Therefore, a doctor must be consulted before applying. Iodine cage can be applied with a doctor’s recommendation and approval. It is also very important to select the right materials during the preparation of the iodine cage before applying.

Lugol iodine or iodine solution should be used as a concentration of 2 %or 5 %. When applying, a cotton rod or a soft brush should be used. The application should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before the area to be applied.

How to make a iodine cage?

The prepared or ready -made iodine cage is applied to the area to be applied with a cotton rod or a brush. It should be careful to apply by shaping its name in the form of a cage.

If it is to be applied to children, Lugol can be applied directly to the back without diluting. The tip of the drop or the tip of the fingers can also use while driving. The gauze or cotton iodine absorbs very and quickly, so it is not recommended.
