What is a Hornet? How to use? – Mobile

What is a Hornet How to use Mobile

Today, with the development of technology, it has become much easier to make friends, and there are many applications for them. Hornet, one of them, takes its place among these applications. Compared to other dating apps, Hornet is a platform developed for gay and bisexual people.

People are free in their choices today, for this hornet is designed for gay and bisexual people. This practice, which is mostly used by gay men (gay), is widely used in countries such as Russia, Brazil, Taiwan, USA and Poland. What is a Hornet?

What is a Hornet?

Hornet was founded in 2011, the main purpose of the application is an online dating application developed for the use of gay and bisexual men. The app currently has 25 million active users. You can use the Hornet platform both on mobile and on the website.

How to Use Hornet?

First of all, hornet users, which are widely used, generally use the mobile version. First download it to your android device, then register yourself for free. Then log in to the application by filling in your profile information. Then edit your profile with the photos you choose. Then you can start making friends in the discover section.

See also: Dating Apps Like Tinder
