what is a handrail, laid by his wife against him?

what is a handrail laid by his wife against him

QUATENNENS. The LFI deputy from the North, Adrien Quatennens, is targeted by a handrail, filed by his wife, as revealed by Le Canard enchaîné this Tuesday, September 13, 2022. But what does this correspond to?

The process is unusual to say the least. A press release to defend yourself, even before the slightest accusation is made in public. However, this is the method that Adrien Quatennens decided to use, this Tuesday, September 13, 2022, posting a writing on social networks in response to an article from Le Canard enchaîné… still not out. The palmipede simply split a tweet, published in the middle of the afternoon indicating: “The management of LFI is worried about a handrail which targets Adrien Quatennens, filed by his wife.” Nothing more, thus making its readership wait until 10 p.m., time of release in digital version of the edition of the day.

However, Adrien Quatennens took the lead and did not wait for the content of the article to be available to the public to react. The LFI deputy from the North confirms that a handrail has indeed been filed against him by his companion Céline, in a context of “difficult divorce”, explains the couple, co-signers of the press release. The prosecution, probably from Lille (sector of which Adrien Quatennens is a deputy), took up the case.

However, no complaint was filed by the companion of the elected official, who had “precise[é] to the police who heard her that she did not want to file a complaint or that there be any legal consequences to this handrail.” Above all, Céline and Adrien Quatennens wanted to remain discreet about their private lives. Despite requests for discretion from the couple’s part regarding the procedure, it ended up making it into the newspapers.”We intend to protect our privacy and that of our family, and ask for respect to find the path of healing, and we reserve the right to attack anyone who flouts it,” they warn.

What is a handrail, of which Adrien Quatennens is the subject?

Adrien Quatennens is not the subject of a complaint. It is a handrail that was filed against him, by his companion Céline. And the difference is far from trivial. The purpose of the daybook is not “to initiate proceedings against the perpetrator, but to report the nature and date of the facts to the police”, explains the Public Service site, even giving an example which could be similar to the procedure aimed at Adrien Quatennens: “dating the departure of your spouse from the home can, for example, be used in the event of a divorce.”
