What is a “ceasefire”? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express

What is a ceasefire LExpress explains everything to you –

This week, Cyrille Pluyette, deputy editor-in-chief of the World service of L’Express, explains to us what a ceasefire is when many politicians and international organizations are calling for it to be established between Israel and Hamas.

READ ALSO >>Israel-Hamas war: 13 NGOs call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza


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The team: Mathias Penguilly (presentation), Charlotte Baris (writing), Léa Bertrand (editing) and Jules Krot (production).

Credits: BFMTV, France Info, France 24, TV5 Monde

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Kena Betancur/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Mathias Penguilly: The ceasefire. The definition of this term seems obvious to you, but know that it is much less clear than it seems. To enlighten us, I called on Cyrille Pluyette, the deputy editor-in-chief of the World department of L’Express.

Cyrille Pluyette : Unlike terms like humanitarian corridor or war crimes, there is no clear, universally accepted legal definition. Nor clear rules on when it should be negotiated, what it should contain and how it should be applied.

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Gaza: Netanyahu once again rules out any ceasefire without release of hostages

In Gaza, the bombing of civilians must stop

Demonstration in Paris for a “ceasefire” in Gaza
