What is 9GAG? – Cepholic

What is 9GAG Cepholic

There are many social media sites today. These are sites where people share their ideas and have a good time. In today’s article, we will give you information about 9gag.

With the pandemic period, social media applications and sites have an important place in people’s lives. In particular, there was an explosion in the number of WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram users. Although not as common as these apps, 9gag is a widely used social media site on TV.

In 9gag, users can share just like other social media applications and sites. Here, they can share both by creating their own content and using content from other places. 9gag first debuted in 2008. Since the first day of its establishment, the number of users has increased day by day.

First of all, you need to be a member of 9gag in order to post on the site. After you have completed your membership process, you can upload your own gag to the site. The promotion process of your posts on 9gag is determined by the number of likes you receive. Although the exact number is not given, the posts that receive more than 500 likes are automatically displayed on the Trend Page. If it can get tens of thousands of likes, it will be moved to the main page.

9gag is more of a culture than a social media site. This culture, which is created by the shares and users, is accepted worldwide and keeps up with our age. Most of the posts on 9gag had a huge impact around the world. Among the most well-known are the famous Chinese basketball player of the NBA Yao Ming’s expression that doesn’t care about anything, the moment that Jackie Chan cannot express his reaction to the event, or the astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Watch out we have a baddas over here” His reaction is an example.

What is 9gag

9gag, though not very common, only has an audience. You can spend pleasant moments in this site and be affected by its culture.

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