What is 3-MMC, the new fashionable designer drug?

What is 3 MMC the new fashionable designer drug

  • News
  • Published on 06/03/2022 at 4:52 p.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    3-MMC, or “3-methylmethcathinone”, is a drug similar to cocaine and amphetamines. Initially used in certain LGBT + communities for ten years, it is now wreaking havoc among 25-45 year olds, especially in large cities. We take stock of the issue with Professor Laurent Karila, psychiatrist and addictologist at the Paul-Brousse hospital, in Villejuif, and author of “On a qu’une vie” published by Fayard.

    A synthetic molecule belonging to the cathinone family, 3-MMC comes in the form of a white powder or small crystals with a smell of liquorice. Its price per gram is low: “It varies between 30 and 40 euros, therefore costs less than cocaine, and drops if you buy a lot, says Professor Karila. 3-MMC is easily found on the internet, on sites offering bath salts or gardening fertilizers“.

    Feeling of well-being and euphoria

    Easily accessible, this synthetic drug causes well-being, even euphoria, and improves libido to the point of causing intense sexual desire.

    It is however very dangerous for health, because 3-MMC can be responsible for convulsions, cardiovascular damage, such as heart attacks or strokes, ENT disorders by sniffing or even kidney problems.

    This drug affects all the organs of the body and also leads to psychiatric complications, such as fits of delirium, paranoia or suicidal thoughts.“, says the psychiatrist.

    New drug that worries

    For the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT), 3-MMC is a “significant phenomenon”. The drug would be the most found synthetic product in seizures, collections and clinical cases since 2010.

    Previously limited to gay communities or chemsex parties “among men who have sex with other men to remove inhibitions”, the designer drug is now more widespread, among heterosexuals and especially among those aged 25-45. year. According to Professor Karila, it is increasingly used “to party or boost your daily life, because it is a drug with stimulating effects“.

    Consult a GP online

    27 dead in Europe

    Like all drugs, its use poses a risk to the health of users. According to a 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) report, “most studies have noted that the negative health impact arising from consumption [de 3-MMC] was considerable“.

    According to the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addictive Tendencies, 27 deaths are to be deplored following the taking of this substance in Europe.
