What if you took advantage of teleworking to carry out a skills assessment?

What if you took advantage of teleworking to carry out

This is true: major global crises cause powerful upheavals, act as an accelerator of technological innovations and propel new paradigms in civil society. This is the case for teleworking, which the Covid-19 pandemic and confinement have revealed as another possible way of life. This is something to think about his career and the opportunities it offers such as that of carrying out a skills assessment.

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And if it was time to carry out a skills assessment? Fundamental changes such as telecommuting raise strong questions. Number of employees andentrepreneurs discovered during the health crisisa new way of life: telework. A fundamental change that generates reflections on his career. Make a skills assessment may then be relevant.

A major societal turning point

L’Internet high debit widespread makes telework possible for some jobs. A slow shift towards this new way of working began even before the crisis of the Covid-19. In 2020, periods of confinement have suddenly and markedly accelerated this transition. A way of life lived in various ways: teleworking disturbs, satisfies or blurs the benchmarks, and often a bit of all of this at the same time. L’sealing between working life and private life is more vague, and sometimes even illusory. How to find the good balance ?

Skills assessment: what objective?

Change, progress, adapt and grow professionally and personally: this is the objective of the skills assessment.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What do you think would be your areas of progress?
  • Do you envision a retrainingcomplete or partial?
  • What satisfactions does your current position give you and how does it weigh on you?
  • How do you see the balance between professional activity and private life?
  • Do you have the soul of an entrepreneur?

As many questions as this period of telework aroused and to which a skills assessment will help you respond.

Telecommuting: the perfect time to take stock of your career

Why consider a skills audit now when the labor market is disrupted by an unprecedented global crisis? You are indeed faced with a choice: to endure, not to move, to hold on and wait for better days is a possibility. The other option is to take full ownership of this moment, to seize it and ensure that it leads to a positive and constructive project.

the telework often has two undeniable advantages: a certain flexibility in personal organization and a saving of precious time gained in daily travel. In addition, teleworking makes it possible to consider a skills assessment more calmly, especially if you feel the need to take stock of your professional career in this health context.

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