What if we washed our clothes (much) less often?

What if we washed our clothes much less often

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    Washing your clothes has a huge impact on the planet, and even more so on the oceans. In question ? The release of microplastics from synthetic fibers used in the fashion industry. However, there are simple gestures and tricks that can reduce the frequency with which clothes are washed, to reduce this burden on marine biodiversity while saving money. Explanations.

    In 2021, a study conducted by the organization Ocean Wise and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada revealed the presence in large quantities of microplastics in the oceans, including the Arctic, an overwhelming majority (92.3%) coming from synthetic fibers, and more particularly polyester (73%) resembling the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) of textiles. Thing which would be mainly due to the washing of clothes, as it is known Ademe.

    The French Environment and Energy Management Agency explains: “The biggest problem lies in all that washing releases of microparticles of nylon, polyester, elastane, or acrylic. Emanating from our clothes, they are too small enough to be filtered by wastewater treatment plants, they end up in the ocean. This is the main source of ocean pollution, ahead of plastic bags”. And it is not without consequences, since an Australian study dating from 2020 estimated the weight of microplastics in the seabed at 14 million tonnes.

    An observation that has prompted France, a pioneering country in this field, to legislate by making microplastic filters in washing machines compulsory by 2025. While waiting for the deployment of this greener equipment, here are a few simple actions that will allow each household to reduce the quantity of microplastics released into wastewater, then into the oceans, affecting marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

    Wash your jeans after four uses

    How often should you wash your jeans? The question is debated, but all the experts on the subject are unanimous: certainly not after each use. As we have seen, this habit harms the environment, and more particularly the oceans, and contributes to wearing clothes out more quickly. In 2014, Chip Bergh, CEO of the Levi’s brand, revealed she does not wash her jeans only when absolutely necessary. “When my jeans really need washing, I do it the old-fashioned way: I wash them by hand and dry them in a dryer.“, he said. If there is no question of no longer washing your jeans, it appears that cleaning at low temperature after four to six uses is more than enough to keep this essential piece of the dressing room in a good condition.

    This is confirmed by the French brand 1083, which however leaves its customers alone in determining the right frequency to extend the life of their jeans. “As for how often to wash jeans, the debate remains open. What is certain is that by washing it often, it wears out more quickly. But by never washing it, it will become clogged and the grains of dirt will have an equally negative abrasive effect. On average, we are talking about four consecutive uses for pants, it’s up to you to gauge!“, indicates the brand on its blog. And to specify however that the dryer is “aggressive” for the material. To limit bad smells, it is advisable not to store your jeans in a closet after wearing them, but to leave them in the open air.

    Prioritize certain subjects

    As for the other clothes, it depends on the material used for their design. The majority of underwear must obviously be washed after each use, with the exception of the bra which can be worn several times before going through the washing machine. As for jackets and coats, they are not in direct contact with the body, so there is no need to wash them every month or every week, far from it. Some experts even mention a frequency of two or three washes a year, that is to say!

    But this change in behavior can occur well before said washing, in other words when the clothes are purchased. You should know that some materials self-clean in a way, since they prevent the proliferation of bacteria and … odors. A good point not to be overlooked when choosing a garment. This is particularly the case for wool, but also hemp, flax, bamboo fiber or coconut fiber. Materials that combine many advantages, both ecological and economic, and which will in any case make your cabinets greener.

    Challenge yourself

    Can you wear the same dress for 100 days? Yes, according to the Wool& brand, which has been offering the ‘100 Day Dress Challenge’ for several years now. The concept is simple: you have to wear one of the brand’s woolen dresses for 100 days to discover the performance of this fiber, whose resistance to odors makes it possible to limit machine washes. To participate, you have to register via a dedicated form, then wear said dress 100 days in a row by taking photos and posting them on social networks (so that the brand can ensure that the garment has been worn every day) then to send them by email at the end of the challenge. If the challenge is taken up, a gift card worth 100 dollars, or 100 euros for European customers, will be sent to the challenged person.

    Our 100-day challenge confirmed what the wool industry and outdoor enthusiasts were saying: wool is a performance fabric with remarkable odor-resistant properties.“, explains Wool&. The brand specifies that the challenge allows you to “learn how to get the most out of a garment”, but also to become aware of your real clothing needs, and of the fact that, contrary to popular belief, clothes, whatever they be, do not define an individual. Without going overboard, it seems undeniable that reducing the frequency of its washes can only be beneficial for the planet as well as for the wallet.
