It is a text on which I fell by chance, according to my research on the internet. But, I admit, I jumped when I discovered his title: “Why do we speak French thanks to Father Grégoire?“” Thanks to “? Should we therefore pay tribute to a man who, in A famous report published in 1794did not only try to broadcast French as a common language – I would gladly understand it – but wanted to “destroy” – destroy! – The other languages of our country? To an individual who, while leading a sometimes admirable fight in favor of the Jews and against slavery, theorized cultural uniformity and the destruction of Basque, Breton, Provençal and all other languages in the country? Still, the ecclesiastics had the excuse of being born in the 18th century and of ignoring the harmful effects of linguistic repression, well documented today. On the other hand, reading these lines in the third millennium, under the pen of an educated person, is in my opinion much less forgivable. And revealer.
What is the reasoning of Yves Montenay, man covered with diplomas (Centrale, Sciences Po), author of several books on the French language and blog Dedicated to history, culture, economics and geopolitics? This one: at the time of the Revolution of 1789, France was divided linguistically. It was therefore necessary to impose on all French people so that citizens could communicate with each other. Has that led to the decline in so -called regional languages? It can be regretted, but this was necessary in the name of national unity.
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Oh, I am aware, this argument is shared by a part of the country’s opinion and the country’s politico-administrative elites. It is nonetheless difficult to sustain in my eyes because it confuses the concept (acceptable) of common language, and that (inadmissible) of single language. And it is enough to understand it to transpose it to the scale of our continent. Instead of the unity of France? The unity of Europe. Instead of French taxation? The generalization of English. Instead of Father Henri Grégoire? Imagine an abbot Henry Gregor. Instead of 1794, let’s go to 1994. And look at what it gives, knowing that I left the initial text indicating in fatty changes made.
“It is fair to say that the Europeans speak widely English today in part thanks to the report Gregor of 1994an influential document which played a decisive role in the linguistic unification of Europe. This report was written by the abbot Henry Gregora priest, politician and fervent defender of revolutionary ideals. During the revolution Europeanone of the priorities of revolutionaries was to create a Europe unified, and for that, it was necessary to overcome the cultural and linguistic barriers which divided the continent.
At that time, linguistic diversity in Europe was immense. It is estimated that at the end of Twentieth century, only about 10 to 15 % of the population spoke English standard. The rest of union communicated in a wide variety of languages and dialects nationalsuch as German, Italian, French, Polish, Latvian And many others. These languages were often spoken in isolated regions, and local dialects varied so much that communication between certain communities was difficult, if not impossible.
In his report, Gregor has denounced this linguistic fragmentation as an obstacle to progress and cohesion European. He argued that the use of multiple languages prevented part of the population from fully participating in public affairs, in particular with regard to political debates, access to education, and even understanding new laws. He considered that the dissemination of the language English was essential to strengthen the unit of unionand he pleaded for the progressive eradication of languages national.
To achieve this goal, Gregor proposed concrete measures: the introduction of teaching English In all schools, the publication of administrative documents exclusively in Englishand active language promotion English throughout the continent. The report had a major impact, because it has laid the basis of linguistic policies which were prosecuted throughout the Twentieth and XXI centuries. Under the leadership of successive governments, English was imposed as a language of administration, education and public life.
This linguistic policy has led to a progressive decline in languages nationaloften to the detriment of local cultures, but it also made it possible to forge an identity European unified. The report Gregor therefore played a key role in the establishment of English as a common language, facilitating integration and communication within the European Uniona heritage that continues today. “
Let us ask this simple question. Those who share Yves Montenay’s point of view concerning the linguistic policy carried out in France be ready to approve the same policy in Europe to the detriment of other national languages, including French? If their answer is yes, I will remain in deep disagreement with them because, personally, I cherish cultural diversity and therefore defend all languages, but I will recognize them at least one form of logic. If their answer is no, I will deduce that they agree to impose their language on others, but opposed to the reverse process. Which, to say kindly, is a position whose consistency is not the primary quality.
Find videos devoted to French and the languages of France On my YouTube channel
On the side of the French language
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The Richelieu 2025 prize awarded to Xavier Maudu
The journalist and historian Xavier Maudu is the winner of the Richelieu 2025 prize. Awarded by the association Defense of the French language, this award is awarded each year a journalist from the written or audiovisual press which testifies “by the quality of his own language, of his concern to defend the French language “.
Launch in Villers-Cotterêts of the Alliance for Languages Technologies
This consortium bringing together 25 states of the European Union aims to support the development of language technologies in order to contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity in Europe. Installed at the International City of the French language of Villers-Cotterêts, its director is Edouard Geoffrois.
On the side of minority languages
Is the Breton language threatened with disappearance?
107,000 speakers in 2024 against 257,000 in 1999! The publication of The sociolinguistic survey on the practice of Breton caused a shock to Brittany. And a call for mobilization. “If we want to save the Breton language, we must carry out strong and ambitious actions, in particular by teaching”, writes in particular the magazine Breton. An analysis shared by the Federation Div Yezh, bringing together the parents of students who promote bilingual education in public school, which calls for “Put the student at the heart of the question“.
Reissue of Treasure of the Speaking Percheron, Not found for twenty years
Exhausted for twenty years, the Treasure of Speaking Percheron is the subject of a fifth edition. Published for the first time in 1979 and sold in 5,000 copies, this work brings together words, expressions, grammar elements and illustrations. Developed by a CNRS researcher, Marie-Rose Simoni-Aurembou, and two Percherons, Albert Dud’huit and Alain Morin., He plays an essential role in the preservation of a little-documented and often despised culture.
Treasure of Speaking Percheronby Albert Dud’huit, Alain Morin and Marie-Rose Simoni-Aurembou. Editions Friends of the Perche.
The great success of the Dictada Occitana
Launched in Castres 28 years ago, the Dictada Occitana (Occitan dictation) now takes place from Bordeaux to Nice, via Gap, Rodez, and even Barcelona and Paris! An event which, although ignored by the national media, recalls that Occitan remains a living language with a long written tradition.
Conference in Nice on February 1 on regional languages
“How to save regional languages”: this will be the theme of the conference that I will give on Saturday, February 1, 2 p.m. in the Nice Municipal Council hall, 5, rue de l’Hotel de Ville. Free entry, but reservation recommended on 04 97 13 45 96.
Regional languages on France Inter
After the alarming results of an investigation concerning Breton, France Inter wonders about the means to be implemented to save the minority languages of France. With the interventions of the regionalist deputy Paul Molac, and Marie-Jeanne Verny, professor emeritus in Occitan language and literature University Paul-Valéry Montpellier, member of the collective “For literatures in regional languages at school” (from 31’30 “)
To look
There are three of them: Caroline Sasal, Angélique Zaïni and Miriam Le Gwen. Often accompanied by the percussionist Alan Blum, they sing, in OC and in polyphony, a secular repertoire that they harmonize and revisit. Together they form the Aàgut group, and the resulting is stunning.
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