What if Apple launched an electric bike?

What if Apple launched an electric bike

While the rumors around an electric and autonomous car project at Apple have been circulating for years, one can wonder why the firm at the apple is not interested in the soft mobility market which is in full expansion and corresponds to number of its values.

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The media machine never ceases to get carried away with each mention of the project ofApple Because. For six years now, the iPhone manufacturer has been credited with wanting to launch an electric car with more or less advanced autonomous functions. Lately, it was investment bank Morgan Stanley that rekindled the excitement by predicting that the supposed Apple Car would land in 2025 with fully autonomous driving. This vehicle would be devoid of pedals and steering wheel and offered not as a private car but through a shared transport service.

If we can understand thatApple may have the will to “revolutionize”automobile as he was able to do with the smartphones, a question torments us. Why is the Californian giant not interested in soft mobility in general and in electric bike specifically ? A market that would fit even better with the eco-responsible message, the health / well-being discourse that door the company and which represents one of the most promising growth drivers.

The booming electric bike market

The conjunction of the pandemic and awareness of the environmental emergency has led to a dramatic increase in sales of bicycles and electric scooters. So much so that demand outstrips supply and manufacturers are having a hard time keeping up. According to the firm NPD, between July 2020 and July 2021, sales of electric bikes literally exploded (+ 240%). And according to the projections of ResearchAndMarkets.com, the market is expected to reach $ 79.7 billion by 2026, up from $ 47.0 billion this year.

It’s hard to imagine that Apple does not observe such a trend. And if the American giant thinks it can do well in a market as complex as that of the automobile, everything suggests that it would be the same for that of soft mobility. Especially since its high-end positioning would find something to prosper in the electric bicycle market. Indeed, the most opulent models can quickly reach several thousand euros. And there is no doubt that aficionados of the apple brand would not look at the expense to get on an “iBike”

Apple electric bicycle robot portrait

As usual, Apple would seek to “revolutionize” the electric bicycle market by offering its interpretation based on a distinctive design, one or more key technological innovations and extensive integration with its ecosystem.

One could imagine a frame with very clean lines, playing on high-end materials such as the titanium and the carbon fiber, even a alloy unpublished which Apple would praise us the merits.

The battery would undoubtedly be integrated in an extremely discreet way, again with a game-changing innovation. Maybe on the side of the chemistry used with an electrolyte solid and / or an ultra-fast recharging capacity? For this, Apple could acquire a company with promising technology, as it has done on numerous occasions.

We can also imagine a lot of work on the ergonomics of the cockpit, completely invisible ducts passages or a range of accessories using a quick fixing system derived from MagSafe technology. Apple would also undoubtedly pay particular attention to the display system of its electric bike, with an interface largely inspired by iOS. As for technology AirTag, it would logically find its place in the frame of the bicycle to allow it to be located in the event of theft.

The fast connection system with Apple terminals would also be part of the game. For example, a Apple watch could pair with the bike to unlock it and then collect data (distance, pedaling cadence, calories consumed, power developed …) and record the route and the elevation gain using its GPS. a iPhone could play the same role. The gateways techniques and synergies possibilities between the Apple ecosystem and an electric bicycle are numerous. They open up a host of possibilities to create the type of unique and fluid experience that the apple brand claims.

Obstacles that Apple could easily overcome

Of course, one could object that Apple has no expertise in designing a bicycle. But recruiting a design and engineering team would probably not be very complicated given the colossal resources and the attractiveness enjoyed by the Californian firm. Such a project would not fail to generate enthusiasm capable of attracting the best talent.

On the other hand, industrial mastery for the production of an electric bicycle is undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges that Apple would have to overcome. But, as it already does for its flagship products (iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, AirPods …), the company could rely on one or more partners able to provide the components and assemble its electric bike. We think, for example, of a manufacturer like Giant which is one of the main producers of bicycle frames and manufactures for many brands of cycles. Another possibility is an acquisition or a stake in a manufacturer that meets Apple criteria.

From our point of view, there is no shortage of arguments in favor of an electric bicycle from Apple. What if theApple Car ends up landing on our roads, we wonder what could stand in the way of an “iBike”, “iCycle”, “Apple Bike” or any other name it could take.

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