what have the deputies already voted?

what have the deputies already voted

13:02 – What consequences for special diets?

Does the pension reform bill provide for the abolition of all special schemes? Pax exactly, the text mainly concerns schemes which allow early retirement compared to the general scheme, as is the case for employees of the RATP or the Banque de France, for example. Find the details of the provisions provided for in article 1 voted by the deputies.

12:51 – MEPs adopt the abolition of certain special regimes

After several days of stormy discussions, the National Assembly adopts article 1 of the pension reform with 181 votes against 163. The text provides for the abolition of many special schemes.

10:28 – MPs discuss ending special diets

Like Wednesday, the deputies resumed the examination of the bill on the reform of the pensions by studying the amendments devoted to the first article. This “provides for the closure of the special pension schemes for the electricity and gas industries (IEG), the Autonomous Paris Transport Authority (RATP), clerks and employees of notaries (CRPCEN), the Banque de France, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) for agents who will be recruited from September 1, 2023.

10:20 – Pension reform in the Assembly, day 4!

The debates on the pension reform resumed this Friday morning, at 9 am, after an “off” day devoted to the parliamentary niche of the Socialist group. Throughout the day, until midnight, the deputies will debate the many amendments tabled and make progress with their parliamentary work.
