What happens to the body when we no longer make love

What happens to the body when we no longer make

Pleasure, desire, mood… The absence of sexual intercourse has real consequences on our body.

Making love is good for the body and the mind. Sex is known to increase levels of certain hormones associated with well-being. So, what happens if you stop having sex? “THE effects of sexual abstinence can vary from person to person, depending on many factors such as age, health, reasons for abstinence (chosen or suffered) and psychological aspects of the person” immediately remarks Pascal Anger, psychologist and sex therapist. Here are 9 things that we notice most of the time.

An increase in stress

Sex can be a important source of relaxation and release of stress, particularly because it frees the hormones associated with feelings of happiness. “Regular sexual activity is known to increase the levels of certain hormones, such as oxytocin, endorphins and testosterone. Therefore, abstaining from sex usually leads to a decrease in the levels of these hormones. Stopping having sex is deprive yourself of these beneficial hormones. The impact will be more significant in people regularly affected by stress and anxiety” notes Pascal Anger.

Less good female lubrication

After stopping sex life, the secretion of lubrication will take more time. “Lack of sex decreases lubrication due to lack of hormones such as estrogen. For older women, the vagina may have difficulty lubricating itself when you start having sex again” indicates Dr. Lauren Streicher, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology to the media The Healthy. “If you take a young woman in her 20s or 30s, she’s going to have plenty of estrogen to make sure that those tissues stay healthy and elastic and lubricated when she’s not having sex. If you take a woman over 50 or 60 years old, she won’t have enough estrogen to compensate for abstinence” adds the gynecologist.

A drop in self-esteem

In the absence of sexual intercourse, a person may feel less desirable or less in tune with your body, supports Pascal Anger. Sexuality is a great self-confidence booster. In man, we find the idea of ​​performance. Sexual activity can be a source of validation and boosting self-esteem. Sex can be seen as an affirmation of attractiveness, desire, and sexual competence. Abstinence suffered, for example due to lack of sexual partner or relationship problems, can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy or rejection.

Touch is a basic human need for mental health. Prolonged absence of physical contact in the context of sexual abstinence may have negative consequences on mood and mental health. “Oxytocin is released during intimate physical contact, including hugging, caressing, and sex. Sexual abstinence may cause a decrease in the release of this hormone, which could affect feelings of connection and well-being” underlines our expert.

A drop in libido

In case of sexual abstinence, you may feel either a loss of libido, or an increase in libido. “For some people who abstain from making love, the less they make love the less they want it. For others it’s the opposite, the absence of sexual relations boosts sexual desire. It depends in particular whether abstinence is a choice or not” explains Pascal Anger.

Erection problems in men

According to a study published in theAmerican Journal of Medicinesexual abstinence in men (especially after 50 years) could lead to erectile dysfunction. The researchers found that men who reported having sex less than once a week had an incidence twice as high in erectile dysfunction than those reporting sexual intercourse once a week. The risk of erectile dysfunction was inversely proportional to the frequency of sexual intercourse.

Urinary problems

For women, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that orgasms can strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which can help avoiding incontinence later in life. On the other hand, sexual activity is one of the risk factors for urinary infections, so abstinence reduces this risk.

Thanks to Pascal Anger, psychologist and sex therapist.
