What happens if Wagners end up in Belarus? The information writer listed the three worst options

What happens if Wagners end up in Belarus The information

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that the fighters of the mercenary group Wagner, who participated in the rebellion, are allowed to leave for Belarus if they wish. What would result from that?

A non-fiction writer familiar with Belarus and its history Toni Stenström outlined three “horror scenarios” in ‘s morning about what could happen if the Wagners ended up in Belarus.

– One is, of course, that Wagner would be used for a new attack on Ukraine from the north, as Russia did in February 2022. Ukraine, of course, has announced that it is ready for such an attack, and the region is heavily fortified.

Another horror scenario, according to Stenström, would be that Wagner’s fighters would be used for hybrid operations on Belarus’ external Schengen border.

– Russia has used hybrid refugees. They have only been allowed through the forest to Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, which caused a major crisis situation in 2021. And this has not ended anywhere. It’s just not talked about much anymore.

According to the third horror scenario, the nuclear weapons that Russia places in Belarus would end up in Wagner’s possession, says Stenström.

The plan of the Russian leadership for the leader of the rebel mercenary Wagner To Yevgeny Prigozhin is still unclear. the leader of Belarus Aljaksandr Lukaši don’t reportedly brokered a deal between the Russian leadership and Prigozhin, and Prigozhin was reported to be moving to Belarus.

On Monday evening, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the Wagners involved in the rebellion have three options. According to Putin, they can join the Russian armed forces, return to their relatives or leave for Belarus.
