What happens during the summer solstice on June 21?

What happens during the summer solstice on June 21

The summer solstice takes place this Wednesday, June 21. A date that officially marks the start of the summer season. What exactly happens during this astronomical phenomenon?

The summer solstice takes place this Wednesday, June 21, 2023.on the same date as the music festival. This astronomical event marks the transition to a new season, summer, and for school children, it brings them a little closer to the summer holidays which start on July 8th. The change of season takes place thanks to at the position of the sun in the northern hemisphere. It is noticeable by all, because during the summer solstice the duration of sunshine is maximum, the night appears later. Explanations.

When is the summer solstice?

This year, the summer solstice takes place on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the same day as the music festival. Summer thus officially begins on June 21 until September 23, 2023. The summer season covers the last days of June, the entire month of July, August and almost the entire month of September.

What time does the summer solstice begin in 2023?

According to data from the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation (IMCCE), the summer solstice begins at 14h 57m 47s UTC and at 4:57:51 p.m. in French legal time (UTC + 2h).

What time does the sun set on the summer solstice?

During the summer solstice on June 21, which corresponds to the longest day of the year, the sun will set at 9:59:50 p.m. in Parisaccording to information from Weather60. In all, the length of the day will be 4:14 p.m.

What is the summer solstice?

The summer solstice is an astronomical event which is observed beyond the Earth once a year. At this time, the northern hemisphere, in other words the northern half of the Earth, is most oriented towards the sun. As a result, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun. The days that follow, the sun remains visible longer in the sky, which makes the much longer summer days.

The summer solstice is depicted on the right of the illustration © peterhermesfurian-123RF

What is the significance of the summer solstice?

In France as in the whole northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is the longest day of the year. The Sun is at its highest height in the sky of the year, from early in the morning until late in the evening.

What is the summer solstice festival?

Some countries in the northern hemisphere celebrate the change of seasons by organizing a summer solstice festival. It’s a tradition that goes back many years. Originally, in the Celtic calendar, it was a pagan festival, called Lithawhich was dedicated to the power of the Sun, an essential element according to beliefs for all forms of life.

Even today, in France, a few days close to the summer solstice, there is the St. John’s Day which celebrates summer and the harvest. In the Pyrenees and in some parts of Spain, we also find the fire festivals of the summer solstice which traditionally take place on the night of June 23 to 24.

What are the rituals of the summer solstice?

Several rituals surrounded the summer solstice festival. When litha partyindoor and outdoor rituals were observed, such as a morning sun salutation, a nature walk to reconnect with the elements, a bonfire to celebrate the element of fire and light.

In France, solstice fire festivals have some similarities with the pagan festival, since at nightfall, locals grab torches to light bonfires from mountain tops. During these festivals, communal meals, songs and dances are also organized. The general idea is to regenerate social ties and strengthen feelings of identity for some. For teenagers, this moment would symbolize the transition to adulthood.

What are the next dates for the summer solstices?

According to the statements provided by the IMCCE, the dates of the next summer solstices are the following :

  • Summer Solstice 2024 : Thursday, June 20, 2024.
  • Summer Solstice 2025 : Saturday, June 21, 2025.
  • Summer Solstice 2026 : Sunday, June 21, 2026.
  • Summer Solstice 2027 : Monday, June 21, 2027.
