The careers of action stars are the fabric for legends. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone fought a real war in the 80s. Chuck Norris developed a TV personality that consisted of 90% of Roundhouse kicks. And then there was Steven Seagal.
Steven Seagal came out of nowhere and became the new star in the action foundament in no time. In the late 80s and early 90s, he began his cinema career with a number of successful action crackers such as Nico, Hard to Kill and alarm level: red, which is still considered many best film today. 30 years later, Seagal has been producing Direct-to-Video-Ramsch for decades, whose productions even ashamed of loyal fans. What happened?
“Giant ass”: Action star Steven Seagal is bombed by 1000 controversy
Schwarzenegger, Stallone or Willis all had to step back in their careers, but that was mainly due to the development of the action market. This factor may also have contributed to Steven Seagal’s case. But First and foremost, he was to blame.
Various women have accused Seagal of sexual attacks over a period of several decades. The Allegations are sufficient from sexual coercion and assault to rape, How to write Espinof and Vulture.
In addition, Seagal is said to have occurred condescending and violent in many film sets. As a moderator of the time-honored comedy format Saturday Night Live He supposedly insulted the cast And delivered one of the worst achievements in the history of the show (via Far Out Magazine). But that’s nothing yet.
According to John Wick-Star John Leguizamo, Steven Seagal is said to have declared a lonely decision on the set that his word was law, and when his co-star then started giggling, he rammed his elbow into his body (via Q with Tom Power). A sci-fi director would have preferred to stamp his film rather than turn the “giant ass”.
When shooting Deadly Revenge – the Brooklyn massacre choked a angry stuntman Seagal so heavily that the star Control over his sphincter lost. According to Seagal, martial arts colleague Michael Jai White is normal to actually beat stunt people in action scenes (via VLAD TV).
Hollywood dropped Steven Seagal after action flops
The Warner production studio invested a lot of money in the Action Goldesel Seagal in the 90s and was apparently ready to see various controversy. But from the burning ice cream from 1994, most of his films flopped to the box office, and the bill no longer worked. From then on the actor was on his own.
Since then, Steven Seagal’s career has been playing in the direct-to-DVD area, apart from a few exceptions such as Exit Wounds-the cop hunters. His name still has a certain sound with action fans, even if most critics no longer make a German film about his films. There are many who find some of his films entertaining. And hope to never have to meet him.
This article was first published in a similar form in July 2023 at Moviepilot.