What foods are good for the brain?

What foods are good for the brain

We would all like to have a more efficient brain for as long as possible. Our diet has a direct influence on our physical and mental health. What are the best foods to feed our neurons?

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The brain is made up of over 100 billion neurons. Neurons communicate with each other to process information from outside and react accordingly. They work all the time, even when we sleep ! We now know that our food plays a role in the state of health from our heart or from our arteries. This is also true for our brain health! Certain foods prevent or promote neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. What are the foods to favor to keep our brain healthy?

1. Foods with a low glycemic index

Foods to glycemic index low are to be favored for the tone of our brain and the health of our organism in general. They raise the rate of sugar in the blood slowly, which is why it is called slow sugar as opposed to fast sugar. These are the cereals wholemeal and pulses (lentilspeas, beans, beans…). In parallel, the high glycemic index foods should be avoided, such as cakes or sweets. They cause the blood sugar level to rise and then fall very quickly, which causes a feeling of fatigue.

2. Coffee

It has an effect booster immediate thanks to caffeine it contains: it increases the attention and concentration capacities of the brain. Coffee is a psychoactive substance that should be consumed in moderation (three cups per day maximum). You should also avoid drinking it after 5 p.m. to avoid insomnia.

3. Tea

It contains less caffeine than coffee and is rich in tannins, which limitabsorption of caffeine by the body. Theine has no stimulating effects but relaxing effects. It may be interesting to alternate tea and coffee.

4. Oily fish

The Pisces fats are rich in Omega 3. These are essential for the proper functioning of neurons. They promote brain health in the duration and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. the Salmon is the best known fatty fish but it is not the only one: the tunamackerel, herring and sardines are also very rich in omega-3.

5. Iron-rich foods

Foods rich in iron such as red meat, black pudding, duck, lentils or shellfish promote the transport of oxygen in the body. Functions brain concentration and memory require large amounts of oxygen.

6. Red fruits and berries

Red fruits, berries and most vegetables are rich in antioxidants. They help fight against free radicals that destroy our brain cells.

7. Water

The brain is made up of 75% water. When our brain is dehydrated, its ability to concentrate decreases very quickly. Fatigue and headaches may occur. Recommendations are 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. As a reminder, water is the most hydrating drink there is. It should be preferred to sodas and fruit juices.

In addition to a varied and balanced diet, simple lifestyle and dietary measures promote mental tone and a good general state of health. The sleep plays a key role in learning processes. During the night, the brain sorts the information received during the day.

Regular sports activity, without necessarily being intense, also contributes to the proper functioning of the body and therefore of the brain. Tennis would be particularly interesting: the brain is constantly calculating the ideal location of the body in relation to the position and the speed ball!

In addition to the workshops offered throughout France by the Society of Neurosciences, at the origin of Brain Week, Futura highlights the latest scientific advances concerning our ciboulot. Cognition, psychology or even unusual and extraordinary stories, a collection ofitemsof questions answers and of podcast to be found all this week under the tag brain week » and on our social networks!

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