What effects does the new Moon of January 11 have on astrological signs?

What effects does the new Moon of January 11 have

If astrologers are to be believed, the new moon in January 2024 is expected to bring various impulses and energies into our lives. Let’s take stock of the supposed effects of this astronomical event on the different signs of the zodiac.

THE Thursday January 11 takes place first new Moon of this year 2024. It takes place in 12:58 p.m. in Capricorn, one of the three Earth signs and will bring new energies to the different signs of the zodiac… At least for those sensitive to astrology, a scientifically unrecognized practice. Some will find comfort there while others will discover an unsuspected strength and will which will lead them towards new projects.

With this New Moon in Capricorn, “Your attention should be captured by goals that require patience, hard work and discipline.”reports astrologer Chelsea Jackson of Elite Daily. She adds that this new Moon will undoubtedly be the ideal time to make room for a long-term project that is close to your heart. If a particular goal or ambition has been on your mind for some time, pay attention to it, it may be the perfect opportunity to take action!

Earth signs very influenced by this new Moon

At the center of this new Moon in January, we find Capricorn which will be at the heart of the energies of the lunation. According to the American astrologer, it’s time to set new goals, helped by the determination and discipline instilled by the new Moon. You could feel strong creativity and increased inspiration to use to carry out your various projects. Take advantage of this productive and intentional state of mind to exploit throughout this lunar phase. If you don’t immediately reap the fruits of your labor, be patient and remember that you are sowing seeds for a more distant future.

If all signs of the zodiac will be able to feel the effects of this new Moon in January, some will find themselves more influenced by its energies than others. This is particularly the case for the other two Earth signs in particular: Taurus and Virgo. According to astrologer Joyce Duval in the magazine Current wifethis lunation could constitute considerable help for projects relating to the field of “family, financial investments, investments or career”. Taurus should not hesitate to take risks and forget their fear of the unknown to achieve their goals. For her part, Virgo is invited to focus on her financial ambitions and take the lead in this area to place all the chances on her side.
