Diablo Immortal was seen by one person as Blizzard’s April Fool’s joke – back in 2018. But how does the “Red Shirt Guy 2” actually rate the mobile RPG?
Diablo Immortal has been out for a few weeks and has been the subject of much discussion. While some consider the game to be a more than solid Diablo implementation on mobile, for many others it’s a pay2win game from lootbox hell.
Here’s how the “April Fool’s Dude” became legendary: BlizzCon 2018 was a pretty special one for Blizzard – unfortunately not in a good way. Diablo Immortal was announced back then and presented to a crowd of PC gamers who had been eagerly awaiting Diablo IV. The crowd’s reaction was muted and one spectator made himself a legend by asking a question. When he was handed the microphone, he asked about the presentation of Diablo Immortal:
Is this a belated April Fool’s joke?
The question drew applause and satisfied whistles from many of the onlookers. The video of the incident is still popular today and is now being happily brought out again with statements like: “See? He already knew then!”
The questioner from back then is on the Internet as “Dontinquire”. Because he also wore a red shirt like another famous questioner, it earned him the nickname “Red Shirt Guy 2018”. Now, after the release of Diablo Immortal, a question arises: Did Dontinquire play Diablo Immortal at all? And how does he rate it?
Diablo Immortal: All 6 classes at a glance with gameplay
“Met my expectations, uninstalled it”
Here’s how April Fool’s Day guy rates Diablo Immortal: Fortunately, Dontinquire reports on Twitter about his everyday gaming life and also about the fact that he started Diablo Immortal. The first tweet about the game was still rather incredulous: “They really published it. Here we go …”
In the very next tweet, a few hours later, he explained:
Well, I’m at level 20 so far. In fact, I don’t hate it. But how ‘gacha’ the endgame will be remains to be seen.
Almost 12 days later Dontinquire reported back with his “extensive” review of Diablo Immortal. He explained:
Diablo Immortal Review – It met my expectations. I uninstalled it.
Gameplay 9 out of 10 – but progression spoils the whole game for Blizzard fans
When asked by another player how he would rate Diablo Immortal on a scale of 1 to 10, Dontinquire then went into more detail:
I don’t know if I would rate it that way. I think it’s a 9 in terms of actual gameplay. That feels pretty damn good. But then you hit daily soft caps, stupid paragon grind, can’t complete sets, can’t earn legendary gems, have to be in a group for everything – there it crashes to a damn useless 0.
“Met my expectations, I uninstalled it” is probably the feeling that many must have had with this mobile game – at least once they have reached the endgame.
Nevertheless, one cannot deny Diablo Immortal’s financial success, no matter how controversial Pay2Win mechanics or the sheer possibility of putting money into the game is discussed.
How was your own experience in Diablo Immortal? Are you on the same wavelength as the “April Fool’s Day guy” or are you having a lot more fun?
Players compare how strong you get for €0 in Diablo Immortal – And how strong for €33,000